Emccu today

About Us

About Us :
is a daily English-language platform published by the English section at the Faculty of Mass Communication

The platform is aimed at students and the Cairo University community, providing the community with a mix of reports and commentary on campus life, politics, arts and culture, and the latest developments in business, science, technology, health, and environment.

Our guiding motto is that we are a voice for the Cairo University community and the university`s youth. This electronic magazine is managed by a distinguished group of faculty members, students and a team of technicians and administrators at the highest level. EMCCU TODAY is an electronic media organization whose mission and functions are:

• To be the voice of the university community, including the student body, faculty, staff and alumni.

• To provide coverage of events in which the Cairo University community participates, directly and indirectly.

• To present news, topics and analyzes of interest to readers in new and attractive journalistic forms.

• To provide a forum for open discourse on the interests of society, especially the youth category.

• Practicing, developing and refining students` journalistic skills and creativity.

• Inculcate ethical and professional attitudes and standards in student journalists because EMCCU TODAY is an Egyptian magazine that fully abides by the Egyptian publishing law and professi

Frequently asked questions:


EMCCU Today is an electronic magazine run by a distinguished group of faculty members, students and a team of technicians and administrators at the highest level.

How can I become a part of EMCCU TODAY?

EMCCU TODAY is part of the Cairo University community.

The primary purpose is to provide a channel for the community to express their opinions and interests. With this in mind, EMCCU TODAY is open to the entire community.

There is a perception among students that EMCCU TODAY is written and edited exclusively by students of the English section of the Faculty of Mass Communication and this is essential. This is not the whole truth. Anyone with good writing and reporting skills can work at EMCCU TODAY If you are interested in writing for EMCCU TODAY, whether you are a news writer or editor, send a sample of unedited writing to (emccutoday@mcomm.cu.edu.eg) then you will be contacted for a follow-up interview.

Who funds EMCCU TODAY?

The magazine is fully funded from the budget of the English section at the Faculty of Mass Communication, C

Can we post ads in EMCCU TODAY?

No, the version cannot carry paid ads. As a result, we are primarily interested in news, topics and editorial matters.

How do I express my opinions on EMCCU TODAY?

EMCCU Today welcomes letters to the editor and/or comment and/or analysis articles that respond to editorial policy or comment on topics of interest to the general community.

Of course they are checked by our editors for compliance with the University`s guidelines on ethics, values and codes of honor. Only applications sent by email (emccutoday@mcomm.cu.edu.eg) that do not exceed 800 words will be accepted. All letters sent to the editor must be signed with the student`s name, ID number and academic degrees obtained. We reserve the right to edit any submission to the opinion section for defamation, grammar, punctuation, clarity and space.

EMCCU Today is under no obligation to publish all submitted articles.

Note that the comments and messages post

Does EMCCU Today have a correction policy?

EMCCU Today welcomes corrections to any content on our pages. Please email corrections (emccutoday@mcomm.cu.edu.eg)

What should I expect when I speak with a EMCCU TODAY reporter?

If you are interviewed by a EMCCU Today reporter, you can assume that any information you disclose is publishable.

You reserve the right to ask the reporter to re-verify information from your interview.

However,you may not view the article prior to publication, nor may you request to see the reporter`s notes: you may, however, request approval of direct quotes.

If you have more questions, you are welcome to send an email to (emccutoday@mcomm.cu.edu.eg)

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