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MCCU organizes a festive event entitled "Strategy of Victory and Crossing into the Future of the October victories. 

heba karim-eldin  (1065)

    In the presence of scientific, military, artistic and media figures at Cairo University:
    MCCU organizes a festive event entitled "Strategy of Victory and Crossing into the Future" on the 49th anniversary of the October victories.

    Dr. Hanan Gunaid: The glorious October victory saga has been extended until now in a new epic of crossing led by President Sisi to achieve Egypt`s future vision 2030.

    Major General Dr. Muhammad Anwar al-Hamshari: We achieved the October victory and won the battle of will, and our epic victory won`t be repeated.

    Poet Gamal Bakhit: October is a national epic victory that inflamed creative, poetic and artistic production and created an emotional state in which we live until now

    Artist Sameh Al-Saraiti: We are fighting the battle of the fourth and fifth generation, and the battle of October is still in it and has not ended, even if its shape has changed.

    Dr. Mahmoud Youssef: The sincere religious belief of the Egyptian fighter was the fuel to achieve the epic of the greatest victories of the Egyptian army.

    Dr. Sami Abdel Aziz:
    We need a huge media production about the documentaries of the October 1973 war in order to present them to the new generations.

    The Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a festive event entitled "October, the strategy of victory and crossing into the future", within the framework of celebrating the October War victory.
    The celebration was held in the faculty conference hall under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and the support of Dr. Mohamed Sami Abdel Sadiq, Vice President of Cairo University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and supervised by Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Faculty Dean, Vice Dean for Community Service Affairs and Coordination of Dr. Nashwa Akl Professor, at the Department of Radio and Television.

    At the beginning of the celebration, which was attended by Major General Dr Mohamed Anwar Al-Hamshari, former Vice President of the Nasser Military Academy, Prof. Dr. Sami Abdel Aziz, professor of Public Relations and former Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Youssef, Professor of Public Relations and former Vice Dean of the Faculty, poet Gamal Bakheet, and artist Sameh Al-Saraiti.

    Dr. Hanan Gunaid gave a welcoming speech in which she assured that the October war and its victory emphasized the inevitability of protecting Egypt and its land and the extent of the valor and keenness of the army and the Egyptian citizen on the permanence of his civilization, so the October victory became a beacon to inspire the experience of building and crossing into the future.

    Dr. Hanan, Acting Dean of the Faculty, indicated that Egypt is now also going through a new transit phase led by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, similar to the epic of crossing into Sinai and achieving the October victory, noting that Egypt is waging a war to achieve development and that we all support t .

    Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Youssef, former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Media and Professor of Public Relations, said that today`s event comes within the framework of the role of the Faculty of Mass Communication in Egypt, the Arab world and the region, expressing his happiness with the participation of the guests, explaining that the October victory and its contemporary events yearn for every Egyptian to see Egypt victorious in the war of pride and dignity to restore the Sinai land, noting that the national creed, with the religious sense, was a motive for achieving victory in the October War.

    The professor of public relations addressed how the Egyptian religious belief that adheres to the values ??of sacrifice and redemption was a motive behind the achievement of the October victory. He pointed out that the Egyptian military was inspired by the epic of the Islamic nation and its fight to achieve victory and restore rights also in the Battle of Badr.

    He added that the soldiers` shouts of takbeer at the moment of crossing and the time of the October War, which coincided with Ramadan, confirms that the October War was based on a religious belief that helped advance the national epic of the soldiers to defend their land and to sacrifice themselves without hesitation, which is proven by the testimonies of contemporaries of the war about the spirit and will of the Egyptian fighter to achieve victory.

    In his speech, Major General Dr. Mohamed Anwar Al-Hamshari, former Vice President of the Nasser Military Academy, pointed out the history of the Egyptian military and said that the October War made history and is still connected to the civilized aspect of the Egyptian people and the Egyptian army, and that Pharaonic Egypt was rooted in those Egyptian military values, which are still extended to the contemporary history of Egypt. .

    The Vice-President of the Military Academy dealt with the history of Egypt since the period of the rule of the Muhammad Ali family, noting that in Egypt the awareness of the public and the Egyptian army was based on the weakness of the Alawite family during the period of rulers after Muhammad Ali, the founder of modern Egypt, until the Urabi Revolution took place and Egypt fell into the grip of The British occupation, explaining that the Egyptian awareness of the people is not the result of the contemporary historical moment only, stressing that Egypt, at the hands of the Free Officers in the July 1952 revolution, regained its rule for itself and retrieved Egypt from the occupation. It also fought the Zionist entity as a representative in the October War for the third world countries, while Israel fought as its representative about first world countries.
    Major General Al Hamshari noted that Egypt did not surrender, as some thought, to defeat in June 1967, as it was able in July of the same year to confront the enemy in East Port Said and destroy the destroyer Eilat in October of the same year, reviewing a number of military operations in the battle of attrition led by the Egyptian fighter.
    Prof. Dr Sami Abdel Aziz, former Dean of the faculty, said that the October victory so far has not been able to make a dramatic work with all its glorious historical and national details, explaining that the October War documentaries are among the treasures that we need to make drama and media production around and within the framework of its content that has not been fully revealed until Now, explaining during his speech that the October victory was the epic that we are living in its traces and its glories until now.

    And in his speech, the poet Gamal Bakhit (graduated from The Faculty of Mass Communication, class of 1979) expressed his happiness to participate in today`s event explaining that poems are among the foundations of the history and documentation of national events, explaining that the Egyptian national anthem is a sign that the national sense in the Egyptian people has deep roots, which is what establishes creativity in the field of producing artistic creativity, which is inseparable from the history of the nation, and establishes the collective public awareness and is made by the forces of society, including art, science and education in all fields.

    The poet Gamal Bakhit pointed out that what embodies the greatness of what happened in the October War has not yet been sufficiently presented in the media and has not been absorbed by any dramatic or artistic work, and that the Egyptian public awareness and its development is the goal that we all need to unite for.
    The lyricist`s speech included the presentation of partss from his poems delivered by one of the faculty students, followed by the poet`s recitation of some of his poems">"> .

    The artist Sameh Al-Saraiti said that The October War is a historical victory and it is a continuous history of sacrifice and redemption since the war of attrition and the Egyptian army`s operations that led to the October War, reviewing a number of historical events that have accompanied the history of the war since 1967 and the role of the Egyptian fighter in the great October War Victory.
    He pointed out that the October battle is extended until now in the phase of construction, reconstruction, and it continues within the framework of the so-called fourth generation war, in which citizens are targeted through social media, during which the country and its achievements are abused, its history is destroyed and the foundations of society building are demolished, and that crossing is in the battle of awareness and media, the stage in which we are fighting a war now, noting that the October War tournaments will remain, through generations, the glorious cultural and historical commun

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