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Under Sponsorship of Dr. Elkhosht and after obtaining international accreditation: Faculty of Mass Communication Organizes Scientific Training Trip for its Students to Autonoma University in Spain 

sara sherif  (119)

    The faculties of Cairo University continue their openness to prestigious international universities, as the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a scientific training trip, under the supervision of Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty, for the students, to the Autonoma University of Barcelona in Spain, within the framework of activating the agreement signed between Cairo University and the University of Barcelona, which is one of the largest public universities and occupies first place in Spain, and it also occupies an advanced position in international rankings.

    The delegation, along with the Dean of the Faculty, included Dr. Nermin Al-Azrak, coordinator of the English program, Dr. Alaa Fawzi, coordinator of international relations, and 22 male and female students from various specializations.

    Dr. Mohamed Elkhosht, President of the University, said that the Faculty of Mass Communication is at the forefront of the university’s faculties that have obtained international accreditation, and its organization of this scientific training trip for its students is an application of Cairo University’s strategy, which is based on the necessity of openness to prestigious international universities, thus providing students with a practical opportunity to interact with different cultures.

    Dr. Elkhosht added: Mass Communication Faculty is moving at an accelerated pace towards scientific and practical advancement, keeping pace with the latest technologies of the technological revolution in the era of digitization and artificial intelligence, in a way that qualifies its graduates to compete in the labor market in the fields of media locally and internationally, especially since the fields of media work are among the most important fields in which Contemporary societies need it.

    Dr. Elkhosht praised the Faculty and its scientific openness to the most prestigious international universities, which enhances the ability of Cairo University in its transformation towards fourth-generation universities, and confirms the ability of the university’s faculties and institutes to compete with major international universities.



    During her participation with the training trip delegation, Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication and General Coordinator of the Cooperation Program with Autonoma University in Barcelona, Spain, expressed her deep appreciation for the student delegation’s keenness to participate within the framework of maximizing opportunities for training returns and in activating the memorandum of understanding concluded between the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University and Autonoma University, noting that the visit achieved its objectives, which included holding several meetings to discuss ways and aspects of academic cooperation between the Faculty and the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Autonoma University.

    The meeting took place with Professor Sami Taye, Director of the International Program at Autonoma University, and Professor Jose Manuel, Professor and Director of Postgraduate Programs at the Autonoma University, former President of the Spanish Radio and Television Union, and Professor Mariana Psilla, Vice-Rector for International Relations.

    Dr. Hanan Gunaid, stated that during the meetings with officials of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Spanish University, it was agreed to activate the memorandum of understanding concluded between the two parties, so that students in the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University would be given the opportunity to spend a semester at Autonoma University From February 19 to May 11, 2024, the academic subjects at Autonoma University will be equated with the subjects studied by the student at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.

    An advanced training program was organized for students of the Faculty of Mass Communications, Cairo University, which included organizing field visits to major media institutions in Spain and practical training for students on photography, influencer marketing and media production for two weeks in July/August 2024.

    Dr. Hanan Gunaid, indicated that the international training for students was carried out over a period of 10 days, and the program included practical training for students on media and artistic production, montage and photography skills, and the preparation and directing of media and news content. The students presented a documentary film they directed about Egyptian and Spanish culture under the supervision of the Spanish trainer  Alvaro Alfredo, and the period of the visit included the organization of several cultural and tourist visits to the city of Barcelona.



    The Dean said that the activities of the training mission’s visit included holding a cultural debate on peace issues and the role of the media in addressing them. The debate took place between professors and students from the Egyptian and Spanish sides and international students of other nationalities. The students delegation visited studios, media production laboratories, and the halls in which students train in Autonoma University to ensure the effectiveness of training and its optimal implementation that maximizes the benefit of students.

    At the end of the activities of the training trip for students of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University, Autonoma University in Spain honored Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean and General Coordinator of the Cooperation Program with Autonoma University in Barcelona, Spain, and the faculty members supervising the training trip. The students participating in the training were also awarded accredited international certificates from Autonoma University.


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