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In preparation for the Climate Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh: International conference on the role of animal health in national climate commitments 

heba karim-eldin  (775)

    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, under the patronage of the President of the University, Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, held its eighth international conference entitled “Egypt’s vision for COP27: The role of animal health in the Egyptian national commitments related to climate” in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the National Company for Animal Production, With the participation of the FAO, and in the distinguished presence of the veterinary sectors of the armed forces, the Fisheries Protection Agency and Lake Development, the Central Administration of Zoos, the General Authority for Veterinary Services, and with the participation of about 600 faculty members and researchers from various universities and research centers at the level of the Republic, along with 300 students From various Egyptian universities.
    The conference discussed the effects of climate change on animal health and how to transform the implementation of sustainability requirements in accordance with the requirements of international organizations.
    On the sidelines of the conference, 6 workshops were held for faculty members and researchers in Egyptian universities interested in animal health from the faculties of veterinary medicine, agriculture, science and biotechnology. Disease transmission in light of climate change, while the third workshop dealt with how to safely dispose of animal waste, then the other three workshops came to discuss the status of ruminant herds and how to transform their production in a sustainable way, the current status of fish and how to turn them into a sustainable situation, while the last workshop focused on discussing the current status of farms Poultry and the challenges that must be overcome to reach sustainable production.

    At the end of the conference, a number of leaders related to the implementation of the state’s plans towards animal health were honored. Students who participated in submitting proposals on animal health in light of climate change were honored.
    The organizing committee of the conference presented a competition for students and graduates in all Egyptian universities interested in the field of animal health from Veterinary medicine, agriculture, science, biotechnology and engineering to present a presentation that includes a problem with proposals for solutions to the most important topics: wildlife and its impact on climate change, the impact of climate change on the idea of One Health, the impact of climate change on the marine environment, the impact of climate change on health and food safety, and the impact of climate change on Recent trends of antibiotics and pharmaceutical compounds.


    The conference witnessed participation of 600 professors and researchers from various universities and research centers.

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