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Communicating Climate Change: Is the Climate Crisis also a Communication Crisis? 

heba karim-eldin  (318)

    In November of 2022, Egypt will be hosting the world’s marquee climate conference: The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27). Global leaders, civil society organizations, environmentalists and business people will be meeting to negotiate and produce the kind of game-changing measures that the climate needs.
    The gathering is extremely important not just on a global scale but also for Egypt and the MENA region as this part of the world is extremely vulnerable to the climate crisis.
    It was a chance to bring together Egyptian journalists, media professionals, professors and students of journalism and media schools to prepare, discuss and share experiences to harness the COP27 moment to offer genuine news pieces and communicate awareness campaigns to good effect.
    The two-day Cairo Media Conference 4, held on October 23 - 24, attempted to find the right words and visuals to talk about the global climate crisis and foster sustainability.
    Journalists and media professionals tried to expect inputs on framing and communication, interactive practical workshops, inspiring storytelling and narratives, climate research presentations, information on the interaction of journalism and social media when it comes to communicating climate change, climate protection awareness and strategies to kindle climate action.

    Day 1 focused on COP coverage, highlighting good practices and loopholes and how to use this opportunity to better understand the climate crisis in general and its consequences for Egypt and neighboring countries.
    Day 2 focused on climate journalism that takes the perspective of youth — the generation which will inherit the planet. Equally as important was hearing women’s voices in the media coverage of climate change since, according to research, they carry much of the burdens of climate change.
    The topic is a diversion from previous editions of the conference but a theme that needed continued attention into the future as we face the reality of one of the greatest global crises in human history
    Climate change is a term that is unfamiliar amongst the vast population, as it has not been explained nor emphasized on whether from environmental experts or media people. Most of the discussion has been done internally amid the group of people who are interested in such a topic.
    Nowadays climate change has rapidly become a critical issue that affects each and every human being living on this planet, and of course Egypt and the Egyptian habitants. However, the coverage and discussion of this situation is still scarce, slow and somehow coy

    The core of this conference was to:
    - Connect between the climate change/environment experts and the journalists/media people, which will result in expanding the knowledge of those professionals who will be responsible in conveying the messages to the mass audience/readers and public.
    - Create awareness, exposure, and give insights to the journalists/ media people on how to turn a dull topic that includes a lot of difficult technical terms and explanations used among scientific experts into much simpler and easier ways to describe the problems our blue planet is facing, in order to reach and enlighten the normal common people who most probably are not interested or have no knowledge on such critical issues.
    - Learn about other experiences of foreign media, which have been tackling the climate change issue for years and managed to create a buzz amongst their viewers, readers in their countries.
    The main goal of this conference was to plant a seed of knowledge amongst media people; professionals, faculty and students; on the importance of giving more media coverage and understanding to such a vital issue in order to reach out to the mass population.
    The theme of the conference, its topics and sessions were designed to help media professionals address the crucial questions of concern in the field..
    The conference was organized in partnership with Oslo Metropolitan University at Ewart Memorial Hall, AUC TahrirCurtural Center, on Sunday and Monday, October 23 and 24, 2022
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