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The King of Jordan highlights the importance of the conference 

heba karim-eldin  (475)

    King Abdullah II, the King of Jordan, thanked President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at the beginning of his speech for the warm reception and the good organization of this important international summit, stressing the need to hold such conferences on an ongoing basis to combat the dangers of climate change, for which all countries - especially developing countries - are paying the price. This was justified by the halving of average rainfall during the past five decades, while the per capita water supply decreased by eighty percent, the Dead Sea water level decreased by three feet annually, and the oases of their rich biodiversity disappeared within a few decades in the Jordanian region .

    To address this crisis, the Jordanian monarch indicated that the State of Jordan is presenting an initiative called “the climate-refugee interconnectedness”, with the aim of giving priority to support for the host countries that bear the burden of climate change, calling for the need for close integration between measures to deal with climate change and economic development, as well as cooperation Close cooperation at the regional and international levels, in addition to cooperation between the public and private sectors, to take advantage of opportunities and networking between resources and capabilities to mitigate climate damage and adapt to its effects. .

    Rewriting & Editing:
    Ahmed Sorour
    Shaima Al Sukari

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