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United Nations Secretary-General identifies four pillars of addressing climate change crisis 

heba karim-eldin  (429)

    AntónioGuterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said that the past eight years were the hottest on record, and that climate turmoil has already led to an increase in the scale of natural disasters, and that current climate policies will cause a catastrophic rise in temperatures around the world, by 2.8 degrees by end of the century.
    The Secretary-General of the United Nations also added that vulnerable communities located in climate hotspots are constantly exposed to natural climatic disasters without warning.
    In addition, the number of people displaced by natural disasters is estimated to be three times the number of people displaced by wars, and the situation continues to get worse.
    The Council will provide strategic guidance to countries with early warning systems, help establish systems in vulnerable countries to reduce loss and damage, and provide an annual progress report.


    Rewriting & Editing:
    Ahmed Sorour
    Shaima Al Sukari

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