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Green Hydrogen project Launched 

heba karim-eldin  (441)

    Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisiannounced during the climateSummit the Launch of the first phase of the project to establish a 100 MW green hydrogen production plant in AinSokhna During the Energy Future session, many countries began taking serious steps in this direction. by formulating national hydrogen policies and setting ambitious time targets for the gradual transition of green hydrogen as a major source of energy, noting that Egypt was one of the first countries to realize early opportunities in this area s development ", based on its enormous potential to produce clean energy, which will enable it to become a global center for the production of green hydrogen in the medium and long term .

    President el-Sisi noted that the green hydrogen production project in the economic zone of the Suez Canal; Comes within the framework of benefiting from Egypt`s natural wealth, noting that green hydrogen is the future of the developing and major country, although it is costly to developing countries; But big countries must do their part by supporting developing countries.

    During the first phase of the project, a green hydrogen production plant will be built for operation by 2026, producing 100 thousand tonnes of electronic methanol per year for refueling in the Suez Canal. The plant`s production could be expanded to 4 gig watts by 2030 to produce 2.3 million tonnes of green ammonia for export in addition to providing green hydrogen to the local industry.

    Rewriting & Editing:
    Tasneem Hassan

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