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Cairo University Contributions to the Climate Change File along COP 27  

heba karim-eldin  (359)

    Cairo University’s strategy 2021-2025 in shifting to fourth-generation universities focuses on the environmental dimension, consolidating the university’s role in many development axes, and the integration of the university’s educational and research plan with Egypt’s strategic vision 2030 and the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Cairo University was ranked 239th in the field of The environmental impact within the QS Sustainability classification for the year 2022, and the university was ranked 242 globally in the “UI Green Metric” global ranking of green universities that are environmentally friendly.
    Cairo University contributed to the climate change file through many measures, most notably the university’s establishment of the Office of Development and Environmental Sustainability in 2021, which is the first of its kind in Egyptian universities, to include sustainability in curricula, research and community service, and issued a guide to sustainable life for university students.

    The university has organized many seminars and workshops, and recently participated in the activities of the Universities Activities Forum to confront the effects of climate change, with 3 scientific research and 5 simulation models for the outputs of scientific research, and it organized an exhibition of scientific research project ideas to raise awareness of climate challenges, and trained 200 students to prepare a model A simulation of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development.
    Cairo University also signed a cooperation protocol with the Ministry of Environment and the World Bank to establish the first university programs for environmental sciences in Africa and the Middle East.
    An initiative was launched for final-year students in the faculties of engineering, agriculture, medicine and science to submit research proposals and their graduation projects on climate change, and a call was also launched for Cairo University scientists to submit applied research projects to limit climate change with self-financing of one million pounds for the winning projects, and an invitation was launched at the level of universities and research institutions to prepare A protocol on environmental governance and its requirements, and the allocation of a prize of 100,000 pounds.

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