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What you do not know about the Egyptian sovereign fund, the main actor to protect the environment from climate change 

heba karim-eldin  (296)

    With the countries of the world turning to unconventional solutions to benefit from their financial resources and untapped wealth and to promote joint investment, the establishment of sovereign funds was reached, as an experiment that proved successful in many Arab and foreign countries, and Egypt established the Egyptian Sovereign Fund in 2018; With the aim of attracting private investments to Egypt and encouraging joint investment in state-owned assets, maximizing the benefit from untapped assets and increasing the return from them, the Sovereign Fund of Egypt participated in projects of weight such as energy, and the experiment of the green hydrogen strategy, which are directly export-oriented projects, and many projects that It will protect the environment from climate change.

    The Fund considers an investment mindset with a different mechanism and flexibility, and develops its ideas towards investment to help the private sector. It also works to protect the rights of future generations by maximizing the use of state resources, providing job opportunities, improving the standard of living, and launching new investment projects.

    According to the official data announced by the Ministry of Planning, the members of the fund’s board of directors, which number 10, are the Minister of Planning, 4 are the ministers responsible for the aforementioned funds, and 5 are independent members who specialize in the same fund issues. .

    Rewriting & Editing:
    Shaima Al Sukari

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