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Students Research Team from the Faculty of Science at Cairo University won a Silver Medal in one of the Biggest Genetic Engineering Competitions around the World 

sara sherif  (293)

    Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Al Khosht president of Cairo University congratulates the winners, and he values their ability to compete internationally as a result of being prepared with global standards.
    The winners created a cure for Alzheimer`s causes and improved the technology that removes harmful proteins without affecting the health of the human brain. They found 4 different ways to remove the buildup of harmful proteins and used a protein that helps restructure the damaged brain cells.
    The scientific team, consisting of students from the department of biotechnology in the faculty of science at Cairo university, won a silver medal in IGEM, which is one of the biggest genetic engineering competitions around the world. It was held in Paris from the 26th of October till the 28th, where the team presented a project that creates a cure for Alzheimer, the project was ranked among the best 10 projects in the field of synthetic biology, and it was under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Al Khosht, and under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Abd El Sherif faculty of science dean, and Dr. Faten Nour Deen General Coordinator of the Biotechnology Program at the faculty. .

    Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Al Khosht congratulated the team that includes 24 students from the faculty of science, appreciating their ability to compete globally, he also praised the university professors’ efforts to graduate students with international standards at its highest level. He also pointed out the past 2 times the faculty of science won bronze medals in 2015 and 2019, he affirmed the university`s keenness to support its innovators and encourage them to join in all scientific and cultural forms, whether local or international, as well as qualifying them to win advanced positions, so it helps support the efforts of the country in facing challenges and various issues.
    The team consisted of 24 students, and they are Hossam Hatem Abd El Ghany, Salma Yehia Abd El Moen, Ranim Mahmoud Ibrahim, Omnia Saed Esmail, Amr Ali Gouda, Omnia Alaa Din, Esraa Abdelmagid, Ahmed Maher Ali, Ahmed Sameh Said, Engy Khaled Thrawt, Salma Sobhy Sadak, Youmna Yaser Mostafa, Radwa Abdelnasar Amin, Mostafa Mansor, George Ashraf wnis, Kamilia Mohamed, Christina Ashraf, Mostafa, Salma Mohsen, Mohamed Ramdan, Rwan Shokry, Nagy Emad, Basmla Ahmed, Menna Allah Mahmoud, Lina Mohamed Hamza. .

    The students of the faculty of science worked on creating a cure for Alzheimer`s illness causes, which is considered one of the complicated diseases affecting the brain that causes damage to the brain cells, resulting in partial damage to parts of the human brain. They also targeted improving the technology that works on removing harmful proteins (tau-beta amyloid) in a way that doesn’t affect the overall health of the human or their brain, and they managed to reach 4 ways that could remove harmful protein buildup which would in return solve the problem radically before the development of the symptoms as well as use a protein to help rebuild the damaged cells.
    The solutions the team worked on matched the conditions of the competition, which also matches the Egyptian legal framework in the production of medicines.
    According to the reports of the world health organization 38 million people suffer from Alzheimer`s in the world, and the numbers keep increasing as there is no cure yet and the currently available medicine only works on reducing the symptoms.
    It’s important to note that IGEM is an international contest that is supervised by an international organization located in the United States of America, it aims to advance synthetic biology and biotechnology education, and it is also held yearly for university students around the world, this year 350 teams joined from 45 different countries and included 7000 participants. .

    Edited by Mariam Ali

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