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Civil Aviation is studying reducing carbon emissions and resorting to clean fuels 

sara sherif  (289)

    The Ministry of Civil Aviation participated in the meetings of the United Nations Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice during the COP 27 climate conference, which discussed the reports of the International Civil Aviation Organization “ICAO” on jet fuel and carbon emissions, especially related to the item on the ambitious global goal of the civil aviation sector, which is to reach To Zero Emissions 2050 and the Emissions Reduction and Emission System in international civil aviation, and the use of sustainable jet fuel, which is at the forefront of the air transport industry`s concerns.

    The meetings of the Scientific and Technological Advisory Authority were attended by Dr. Amira El-Sayed, Environment and Climate Change Adviser at the Ministry of Civil Aviation and member of the Egyptian negotiating team in the field of civil aviation during the climate conference, and Eng. Abdel Ghaffar El-Sayed, Egypt’s representative in the ICAO Environmental Protection Committee.
    The authority reviewed the views and views of ICAO member states on the contents of the report, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, represented by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, had an active role in converging views and reaching important initial outputs that would satisfy Member States through informal consultations and discussions, and then presented them to the session These results will also contribute to not placing additional burdens on Member States and achieving common interests in the field of aviation, as the International Civil Aviation Organization is specialized in setting international policies, rules and legislation in the field of the aviation industry, in order to achieve the interests of Member States. by the organization.


    Rewriting & Editing:
    Shaima Al Sukari

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