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Women`s Research Center organizes seminar to raise awareness of efforts and initiatives of Egyptian women in field of climate issues 

sara sherif  (287)

    The Research Center for Women`s Studies at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a symposium to introduce and raise awareness of the role of women in climate issues under the title "Egyptian Women`s Efforts and Initiatives in Awareness of Climate Issues", which was held under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and Dr. Mohamed Sami Abdel Sadiq, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. Hanan Junaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, under the supervision of Dr. Thoraya Al-Badawi, Acting Director of the Center for Women and Media Research and Studies, in the faculty conference hall, with the participation of the podium guests, Dr. Amin El-Meligy, an expert in the field of renewable energy, professor at the National Research Center, Dr. Radwa Abdel Latif, deputy editor-in-chief of Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper, which specializes in environmental issues, and Basant Mahmoud, founder of the Lead Free Cities project.

    At the beginning, Dr. Soraya El-Badawy, Acting Director of the Center for Research and Studies of Women and Media, distinguished guests of the podium, speakers, as well as the symposium guests, professors, students, researchers and administrators at the faculty, thanking the tireless efforts made by Cairo University headed by Dr. Al-Khosht and his sponsorship of the activities of the Women’s Research and Studies Center, as well as the organization’s sponsorship efforts undertaken by Dr. Hanan Junaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, noting that the symposium is an extension of the efforts of the Egyptian country and the new republic in sponsoring the climate change file, as Egypt is currently hosting the Climate Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh (COP 27), which comes in order to address and raise the alarm on the climate change crisis, which It has become the talk of the hour and the subject of intense international attention and follow-up, noting that Egypt`s hosting of the climate summit is a culmination of the efforts of the Egyptian leadership, which gave more attention and keenness to draw attention to the renewable energy file and call for solving the crisis of polluting emissions to the environment through infrastructure development and the trend Towards green investment and clean energy, and Egypt’s tendency in its Vision 2030 to develop its infrastructure by investing in alternative energy that does not pollute the environment.


    The acting director of the Center for Women and Media Research and Studies noted that (climate change governance) is the solution to the climate change crisis through partnership between societal parties, namely the citizen, society and the government, where the solution can be between all of these parties together, without limiting the matter to official government efforts, noting To the comprehensive community awareness of the simple man in the street is the main central key to ending the climate change crisis.

    In his speech, Dr. said. Amin El-Meligy, a professor at the National Research Center and an expert in the field of renewable energy, said that global climate reports acknowledged that the world is now living in an unprecedented climate crisis and that it threatens all parts of the world and no round is excluded from it, whether it is a developed or developing country, noting that awareness of the role of Women and the strengthening of their role to eliminate environmental crises came through what was urged by the reports of the United Nations, which gave the need to solve the crisis by presenting all its facts to states and calling for conferences and community discussion based on the agreed upon basis of equality between men and women in their rights towards the environment, which is considered An essential pillar, especially since the role of women in preserving the environment cannot be overlooked, and that the rights of women, as established by religion, are to preserve with men on the land and to build it without discrimination.

    El-Meligy pointed out that climate change was reflected in the seasonal time scale. In Egypt, the months of November and October were autumnal time zones, not as hot as what we are suffering from now, noting that the most affected by the climate change crisis are the developing countries than the developed countries, explaining that Hydrogen energy and its combustion is the future in which we need to invest energy, as this energy results in beneficial uses such as its use in the energy of water vapor that we need in power generation, reviewing the crisis of non-renewable energy sources, pointing out that the problem with fuel is that combustion results in carbon dioxide. And that the world is moving to replace non-renewable energy with renewable energy.

    The deputy editor-in-chief of Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper noted that the scientific press was neglected, but revived during the Corona period and was interested in monitoring rumors and scientific facts, which contributed to awareness of the crisis of the spread of the Corona virus, and the recovery of the press and scientific journalists appeared, pointing out that there is momentum created by the event of hosting Egypt of the Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, and that this may result in a lot of interest in the environmental press and raising awareness for the people and society.
    Abdel Latif pointed out that the trend towards attention to environmental issues showed that there is a lack of interest in women`s participation in environmental solutions and discussing their solutions to solve the climate change crisis. As they are not included in international community discussions, although they are involved in dealing with the environment in the areas of agriculture and other areas of community environmental work, noting that this is what prompted the United Nations to call for its recommendation to draw attention to the involvement of women and provide solutions in areas of crisis Environment, climate change and reducing the effects of polluting emissions to the environment.

    At the end of the symposium D. Thoraya El-Badawy, Acting Director of the Women’s Research and Studies Center, honored the college’s guest speakers, in addition to honoring the members of the research team and the organizational team of the Center for Women’s Research and Studies at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Technical support, and the attendees took memorial photos with the college`s guest speakers.

    Dr. Soraya El-Badawy: Governance of climate change is the solution to crisis of environmental risks

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