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El-Sisi send Message to women of the world 


    President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi sent a message to the women of the world in his speech delivered on his behalf by Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Ministerial Coordinator and Envoy of the COP27 Climate Conference: “My message is to the women of the world. The last three years, and we count on you now to continue your lofty and noble role in the light of the certainty that women will be the icon of change to achieve a historic and qualitative transformation in the face of the repercussions of climate change.”
    The envoy of the Climate Conference, on behalf of the President of the Republic, stressed that achieving any tangible progress in the file of the repercussions of climate change will not be without achieving climate justice for all, which undoubtedly constitutes the full integration and involvement of women in various aspects of cooperation with this phenomenon, which in turn can contribute to encouraging women To actively participate and play a leading role in facing these repercussions and in finding smart and innovative solutions in this context.


    Rewriting & Editing:
    Dr. Ahmed Sorour

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