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Dr. Hanan Gunied: "Fake News and Disinformation" course provided professional discussion and ways to confront media disinformation to limit its negative impact  

sara sherif  (298)

    Under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of the University and the supervision of Dr. Hanan Gunied, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, the activities of the training course organized by the faculty in cooperation with the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation, entitled "Fake News and Disinformation" has ended.

    The activities of the third day of the course included discussion lectures by Dr. Salwa Al-Awadli, Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Mass Communication, on "Digital Culture in Confronting Fake News". And its types confirm that this news aims at the deliberate spread of misinformation through traditional and digital media, especially social media.

    The Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs pointed to the danger of sensational headlines, manipulation of content and fabricated contents, impersonation of real sources, false linking and ridicule of media disinformation methods as well as fake news, misleading news and biased news, explaining that there are factors that help spread fake news, including the attractiveness of information and fake news and the development of counterfeiting tools. News and the use of artificial intelligence applications and the difficulty in often verifying the credibility of information.
    She added that the law alone is not enough in confrontation, stressing the importance of awareness and the need to make more efforts to educate citizens and train journalists and media professionals on standards, methods and methods of verifying information and its sources, ensuring its authenticity, and verifying site information and photos.
    The activities of the training program also included a lecture by information expert Khaled Al-Baramawy, during which he gave a presentation and training on mechanisms for confronting false news, including doubt and deciphering the misleading structure. He added that the political, entertainment and service contents are the most types of content that are exposed to misleading, while the sports and economic contents are the least, stressing that the last stages of the development of the information imbalance, and that the year 2020 witnessed a great development in this imbalance after the spread of the new Corona virus, as the fabricated news spread and began to appear on me. surface strongly.

    He provided training on methods that help journalists avoid informational imbalance, including doubt, questioning, verification, documentation, and understanding the context and background.
    The end of the training course included a lecture on methods of confronting information warfare and the role of the media in confronting such types of information warfare, presented by Dr. Muhammad Salman Taya, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science for Community Service and Environmental Development, during which he presented examples of applications of information misinformation methods and how to deal with misleading content, especially related to political affairs.
    Dr. Salman introduced methods to confront media and information misinformation in the context of events related to the foreign policies of countries, and to define methods to confront misinformation and mechanisms to mobilize global public opinion in the face of the global misinformation war.
    At the end of the session, the participating journalists were honored and certificates distributed by Dr. Hanan Gunied, Dean of the Faculty, and Hani Abdel Malak, Director of the Egypt Office at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
    During her speech at the end of the activities of the third session, Dr. Hanan Gunied expressed her happiness with the interaction that took place between the trainers and trainees, stressing the college`s interest in raising the awareness and culture of media professionals within the framework of its agenda for participation and the societal responsibility that it places upon it through its enlightened endeavor to hold protocols and continuous partnerships with public and private institutions to serve Media and the formation of a generation of media professionals who are aware of the concepts of media education and are able to apply the standards of combating false news and media disinformation and are aware of the danger of its spread to national security.

    Dr. Hanan Junaid: "Friedrich Neumann" is a model for successful institutions in the field of social responsibility. The Faculty of Mass Communication is keen on cooperation and partnership with distinguished institutions in order to perform their societal role according to the university`s plan.

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