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Minister of Environment meets Deputy Director of FAO in Egypt to discuss pioneering Egyptian initiatives during climate conference 

sara sherif  (369)

    Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, emphasized Egypt`s keenness to present a group of pioneering initiatives that include many areas affected by climate change, and through which it was keen to mobilize countries of the world and partners to support these initiatives and bring them to actual implementation. The minister added that these initiatives need an action plan that defines a mechanism Implementing them after the end of the COP27 climate conference, expressing Egypt`s desire to see the initiatives it launched implemented on the ground.

    This came during a meeting with the Minister of the Environment, Mrs. Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director of the FAO in Egypt, to discuss a number of pioneering initiatives launched by Egypt during the conference, on the sidelines of the meetings of the Biodiversity Day held within the activities of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change held in Sharm El-Sheikh. During the period from the 6th to the 18th of November.

    The Minister of the Environment indicated that the initiatives were designed and the thematic days of the conference were designed in a way that puts people at the center of the negotiation processes for climate change, and this is the message that we would like to present and convey to the upcoming climate conference COP28 in the sisterly Emirates, and the processes of implementing these initiatives need to mobilize countries and resources to actually implement it on the ground.

    The minister explained that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was keen to support a number of initiatives launched by Egypt during the conference, such as the food and agriculture initiative. produced in Africa to 50% by 2050, and provides an opportunity to work in an innovative way based on the involvement of the private and informal sectors. And it contributes to raising the capabilities of African countries to organize waste management, pointing out that the initiative needs to hold consultative sessions to determine the nature and needs of each country, which differ from the other, and it also needs to provide partners with competitive opportunities to push forward towards the actual implementation of this initiative.


    During the meeting, the envoy of the climate conference referred to the initiative of natural-based solutions, which was launched today during the activities of the conference, which puts biodiversity at the heart of the negotiations on climate change, noting that as much as we can achieve communication and linkage between the issues of climate change and biological diversity, it is what will enable us with the same The ability to bring about change, stressing that this initiative was launched in cooperation with the technical partner, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and with the support of the countries of Pakistan, Malawi, Germany, Japan, Slovenia, the United States of America, and the European Union, which makes us go to a conference The upcoming climate with greater confidence contributes to achieving greater gains.

    Dr. Yasmine Fouad explained that many countries and organizations made promises to support the natural-based solutions initiative, including Germany, which allocated an estimated amount of about $1.5 billion annually to support the conservation of biodiversity and support solutions from nature, and the United States of America allocated $25 billion for solutions based on nature. Nature to support development investments, noting that Egypt has started a project to place 100% of the coral reefs in the Red Sea under protection, and about 35% of it has been implemented so far, given that the coral reefs in the Red Sea are the last reefs affected by climate changes around the world, according to a study, pointing to The damage to the reefs threatens the lives of millions of fishermen, women and workers in the tourism sector.

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