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Egypt`s hospitals enter the green age, 8 conditions that must be met to convert to environmentally friendly hospitals 

heba karim-eldin  (352)

    In view of The government`s approach towards the concept of sustainable green facilities and its hosting of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, the Egyptian state seeks to raise the efficiency of health facilities, which must have a leading role in the transition towards sustainable development based on being the main body entrusted with addressing the negative health consequences that It may result from climatic changes, especially since the health care sector in Egypt is considered one of the most promising sectors that possess the elements of development due to the increasing demand for the service that is provided and the possibility of raising the number of beds available in hospitals to double the number currently available.


    Regarding the most important axes for the transformation of green and sustainable health facilities, the Egyptian Ministry of Health indicated that they include:
    1. Effective leadership and planning for a sustainable green environment Supporting environmental sustainability practices, spreading awareness of environmentally friendly practices, and supervising environmental sanitation activity in order to improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions.

    2. Efficient energy use, the transition to clean and renewable energy, load measurement, the development of a system and programs for the management of electrical, mechanical and medical assets, and the transition to clean and renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, biogas and green hydrogen.

    3. Adopting methods aimed at the optimal use of water resources to ensure their sustainability and the abundance of clean water.

    4. Safe management of chemicals: The health sector is a major consumer of chemicals, including substances that have dangerous effects on health and the environment, such as red mercury. This necessitates the adoption of practices that ensure the safe management of chemicals and hazardous waste effectively in health care facilities.

    5. Management of health care waste: by promoting sound practices for the management and handling of medical waste, and using technology in the treatment process in order to protect patients, workers and the environment from harmful medical waste resulting from health care services.
    6. Adopting sound practices in the use of healthy food and following healthy diets, especially in light of the serious complications that unhealthy diets lead to, such as non-communicable diseases.

    7. Promoting green and ethical purchasing options: by providing safer and more environmentally sustainable products, taking into account standard consumption standards.
    8. Sustainable Green Buildings: This is to take into account the construction and construction work in health facilities on the use of safer, more flexible and sustainable building products and systems, and the adoption of designs that ensure that the natural environment (ecosystems) is not disturbed and preserves the local social heritage of the region in order to better integrate buildings with society And the natural environment, while adhering to low-cost designs for periodic maintenance to ensure the sustainability of the facilities.

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