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“NICE” approved new medecin for fiercest types of breast cancer 

heba karim-eldin  (373)

    The health authorities in Britain have approved the use of a drug called “Pembrolizumab” that treats the fiercest types of breast cancer, which affects women.

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE), one of the bodies affiliated with the Public Health Authority in Britain, has agreed to give the drug to patients with triple negative breast cancer, due to the risk of this cancer returning after treatment ends.

    The researchers said it intended to combat triple negative breast cancer and contributes to addressing needs that were not covered by previous treatments and giving hope for a longer and better life to thousands of women, and it reduces the chances of this cancer returning to the body again after treatment and prevents it from spreading in thebody.

    They reported that immunotherapy, which is given intravenously in addition to chemotherapy and before resorting to surgical treatment, can lead to the disappearance of any detectable tumors and the drug reduces the chances of disease progression in the body by 40 percent. .

    By: Brbara Samy

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