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Recent study: Processed foods are as addictive as cigarettes  

heba karim-eldin  (341)

    A study presented by Michigan and Virginia University found that processed foods are as addictive as smoking, These foods were classified based on addiction criteria for tobacco products mentioned in a report published in 1988 by Dr. Everett Koop, the US Surgeon General.

    The research was carried out by a group of researchers led by Dr. Ashley Gearhardt, U-M associate professor of psychology, and Alexandra DiFeliceantonio, assistant professor at Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech.

    The researchers presented evidence that processed foods meet the same criteria used to identify cigarettes as addictive: compulsive use, as it is not as easy to quit as smoking, mood swings, it can change how we feel and trigger changes in the brain like tobacco, and finally, it triggers cravings to eat it.

    Gerhardt mentioned that processed foods such as potato chips, candy, and bread contain complex substances, The same can be said about industrial tobacco products, which have thousands of chemicals, including nicotine.

    Gerhardt added, “When we realized tobacco products were addictive, it made us realize that smoking wasn’t just an adult choice, but that people were getting hooked and couldn’t stop even when they really wanted to, This same thing appears to be happening with highly processed foods and this is particularly concerning because kids are a major target of advertising for these products.”

    By: Aisha Hajj

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