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On first day of mid-semester exams: Dr. Hanan Gunied, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, inspects mid-semester exams and praises their regularity 

sara sherif  (290)

    With the start of the first mid-semester exams at the Faculty of Mass Communication, this morning, Dr. Hanan Gunied, Dean of the Faculty, inspected the examination halls, praising the regularity of their work, inside the halls, stands and halls in the main building of the faculty.

    The inspection tour of the Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication included standing on the extent of implementation of the precautionary measures that the college prepared for inside its examination halls, and stressing the implementation of the instructions of the President of Cairo University in this regard, represented in providing an examination environment that takes into account all the necessary health requirements in terms of securing and sanitizing the halls.

    The inspection tour also included reassurance that the exams are being conducted on time, according to the schedules announced and determined by the faculty in advance, with the same rules and regulations for the semester exams at the end of the semester, for the first time this year. This is in order to create an exam environment that simulates what students go through in the semester exams in the first and second semesters, and to stress the observance of achieving continuous discipline in the process of printing, starting and ending exams smoothly and easily.

    During her inspection tour, the Dean of the faculty praised the commitment of the professors, the assistant staff, and the administrators, and their keenness to organize the mid-semester exams with ease, as no significant problems were detected during the first days of the exams.

    Dr. Hanan Gunied confirmed that she follows very carefully the safety and ease of the examination environment, and that the Faculty of Information seeks to create an examination environment that is compatible with the quality systems and evaluation methods that Cairo University is keen on and stresses.

    For her part, Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, confirmed that for the first time this year, schedules for mid-semester exams were set according to the end-of-semester exams system, while adhering to the same rules followed, and taking into account the status of the exam in accordance with the decisions of the University Council, and the controls of the examination paper, so that it combines Bubble sheet, essay questions and problem-solving questions, in implementation of the university president’s directives, providing guarantees for the safety of the participants in the examination process, adherence to precautionary measures, readiness to face any emergency situations, and making immediate decisions to solve any problem. .

    Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly: Full commitment to the decisions of the University Council and the controls of the examination paper, combining the bubble sheet, essay questions, and the problem-solving question.

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