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Within Presidential Initiative for Equal Educational Opportunities: Al-Qabbaj and Al-Khosht witness distribution of laptops to blind students and awarding outstanding students 

sara sherif  (280)

    Dr. Nevin El-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, and Dr. Mohamed Othman El-Khosht, President of Cairo University, witnessed this morning the ceremony of distributing talking laptops to blind students, and handing out excellence scholarships to outstanding students, as part of the initiative for equal educational opportunities and incubators for outstanding students, and in cooperation with the Orman Charitable Association and the Sharia Association, and in the presence of vice-presidents of the university, deans of faculties, professors, employees, and students of determination and their families.
    At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Muhammad Othman Al-Khosht expressed his happiness with the great and continuous cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, by expanding through multiple axes to support students who are unable and students of determination, and support outstanding students with modern and advanced devices.
    Dr. Al-Khosht said that this ceremony has many indications, the most important of which is the interest of the political leadership in supporting all groups in different ways, and these methods are not only in the field of ability to live and confront them, but rather upgrading different skills and capabilities, and that what the Ministry of Solidarity is doing with the Sharia Association and the Orman Association to honor outstanding students and gifting them advanced devices that help them deal with the outside world, this indicates the state`s interest in education for all groups.

    Dr. Al-Khosht affirmed the university’s support for students of determination, which is considered an honor for those who possess it, because he started his career from scratch and faces many obstacles that make his exam more difficult for him, indicating that Cairo University recently opened a center to support students with disabilities in cooperation with USAID. The center puts students of determination in mind, the university has sponsored the tuition fees for about 12,000 students during the first semester only, which means that the university does not leave its students to confront society on their own, but rather supports them in order to provide the Egyptian society with a successful, effective and influential model.
    The President of Cairo University added that the university has a unit for combating drug abuse, and a unit for the Ministry of Solidarity that carries out all the work of the ministry within the university, in addition to many forms of cooperation with the Ministry of Solidarity such as the 500 500 Foundation.

    Dr. Nevin Al-Qabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, said that Dr. Mohammad Al-Khosht spared no effort for the university to go out into the fields of development, health care and developmental work, and we call on him to complete his career not only inside the university but also at the community level, adding that the ministry has 30 social solidarity units inside Egypt`s universities provide all the services of the ministry.
    Al-Qabbaj indicated that students with special abilities were created by God to be different and not backward, and therefore they have the passion and strength to overcome all the barriers facing them, stressing that her presence today is to support incubators of outstanding students from all Egyptian universities and to support students of determination.

    It is worth noting that Cairo University has a strategy to care for students of determination to achieve the principle of equal opportunities and equality, in the opening of a service and support center for people with disabilities last January in order to comply with the Egyptian state’s policy of caring for this file, and within the framework of the university’s vision to achieve the principle of integrating students with special needs in the university community, spreading the culture of integration among faculty members, their assistants, the administrative staff and students, and making university buildings to suit people with disabilities. Cairo University has made unremitting efforts to inform students of determination of their rights, provide tangible services to them, and extend a helping hand to help them benefit from science and knowledge and contribute to the development of their capabilities, believing in the need to invest these capabilities to serve society.

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