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Minister of Higher Education Confirms Egypt`s Interest in Investing in Higher Education 

sara sherif  (281)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour Minister of Higher Education took part in the activities of the opening session of the Investment in Higher Education Forum through a recorded speech that was presented at the forum that was held in London.
    In his speech, Dr. Ayman Ashour, confirmed on Egypt`s interest in investing in higher education to keep pace with the large increase in population, indicating that the Egyptian government views higher education as a key to social and economic development, and seeks to confirm its position as a regional center for higher education in the region, stressing the importance of the role of businessmen as partners in the process of investing in education and government participation in investing in higher education.
    Mr. Andrew Boay, the British Minister of Commerce, stressed the depth of Egyptian-British relations and the importance of promoting the growth of partnership between British and Egyptian universities, adding that Egypt is one of the priority countries in the British strategy for scientific and academic cooperation with different countries of the world, indicating that he looks forward to supporting ways of transferring the international expertise in the field of education enjoyed by Britain to Egypt.

    Ambassador Sherif Kamel, ambassador of Egypt to UK, praised the topic of the forum, stressing that higher education is the cornerstone of building nations, in light of the need to link the skills of graduates to the local, regional and international labor market.
    And Dr. Rasha Kamal, Cultural Attaché and Director of the Educational Mission in the United Kingdom and Ireland, thanked Dr. Ayman Ashour, and Ambassador Sherif Kamel for their sponsorship and support for the forum, stressing the keenness of educational institutions in Britain to establish partnerships with higher education institutions in Egypt, through cross-border education between the two countries, noting the encouragement of the British side for partnership and investment In Egypt, by establishing branches of British universities in Egypt, granting joint academic degrees, or promoting student exchange and joint scientific research, within the framework of the strategic plan and vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2022-2032).

    Mr. Maged Al-Minshawi, Vice President of the Egyptian Business Association, indicated that education is the second of the seven axes for the renaissance and progress of nations, stressing the cooperation of the United Kingdom and Egypt together in strengthening the status of the higher education system and achieving leadership in this field, and in the field of health, medicine and cultural heritage, as well as providing technical and vocational education for young people, adding that education represents an ideal arena for cooperation between the two countries, as the United Kingdom is considered one of the world`s leading countries in the field of education.
    And Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Advisor to the Deputy Minister for International Cooperation, and Dr. Abeer Al-Shater, Advisor to the Deputy Minister for International Classification, and Dr. Ayman Farid, Advisor to the Deputy Minister for Employment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Affairs, gave presentations on the comprehensive strategic approach to the role of higher education institutions based on the concepts of the fourth generation as a tool for comprehensive and sustainable development, as well as presenting the vision and strategy of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research during the period (2022-2032), which will be launched in the first half of December Underway at an event featuring scholars, higher education experts and thinkers.
    The presentations made by the deputies of the Minister of Higher Education also dealt with the most prominent achievements of the Ministry since 2014 until now, which dealt with the development of educational and research institutions to meet the needs of population growth and different segments of students of university education age, as well as a review of the most prominent actions of the Ministry to develop Various educational paths and the availability of new educational paths to enrich higher education and scientific research in Egypt, in addition to building new cadres of researchers and graduates who are able to meet the challenges of the times, diversity in providing different educational opportunities for students, attracting foreign students, and placing Egypt on the map of higher education and scientific research at the regional and international levels.

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