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Dating through Facebook .. A new feature of Meta 


    By: Aya Tarek

    Meta launched a new feature which is Facebook dating, just like any dating app, it is made to bring people together, but it is no secret that the infamous social media platform is flooded by underage users, that are being exposed to harmful content, that new "Facebook Dating" would be an even more dangerous feature, it can expose them to online predators, allow sex offenders to take advantage of them and therefore traumatize them for life.

    Meta took an unprecedented security measure, it requests a video verification made by a video software that can assess someone`s age from a video selfie by a range of parameters.

    It is said that this age verification tool has helped Facebook detect and remove many underage users from Facebook dating.

    It is worth mentioning that Meta said it will utilize age verification accross all meta products in order to reduce the dangerous effect of social media on youth.

    Meta also confirmed that users will now be able to upload a legal document stating their age, that legal document shall be stored safely in Meta`s database, and it shall not be accessible for other users.

    As a total, this shall provide meta with a new age restriction control over its community and hopefully it shall reduce internet crimes that are plaguing our society.

    A report has been published recently about children getting injured as a result of participating in dangerous challenges that went viral on TikTok, it is worth mentioning that injured children were below the age of 13 and should have never been able to access TikTok in the first place.

    Considering Video ID would be revolutionary for TikTok, but it is said that collecting such a wide range of personal data and sharing it with its Chinese mother company would be a tough decision to make.

    Twitter as well is fighting its own war against bots that are flooding the platform, video ID verification shall be a good tool in easing such a fight.

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