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Minister of Higher Education discusses with Jordanian ambassador in Cairo cooperation in higher education and scientific research fields 

sara sherif  (300)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, received the Jordanian ambassador to Cairo, Amjad Al-Adayleh; To discuss mechanisms for enhancing educational and research cooperation between Egypt and Jordan, and efforts and mutual coordination between the concerned authorities in the two countries, in the presence of Dr. Ashraf Al-Azazy, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector, at the Ministry`s headquarters.
    During the meeting, Dr. Ayman Ashour, confirmed Egypt`s keenness to strengthen and support cooperation relations with Jordan, especially in the educational and research fields, pointing to the depth of the relations between Egypt and Jordan, which extend for many years, praising the friendly relations that bring the two countries together in all fields, especially the educational and research fields.

    The meeting discussed ways to enhance cultural, scientific and educational cooperation between Egypt and Jordan, as well as overcoming obstacles facing Jordanian students and Egypt`s willingness to provide them with all facilities.
    The minister raised the importance of holding an exhibition for higher education in all Arab countries to promote and market the educational capabilities and opportunities available in Egyptian universities, and the distinguished systems and programs they include, to attract more students to join it, also directing the need to hold a symposium with ambassadors and cultural attachés of all countries during the coming period; With the aim of introducing the educational programs in the faculties of Egyptian private and technological universities. .

    For his part, Ambassador Adayleh expressed Jordan`s appreciation for the level of coordination and continuous cooperation by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and various Egyptian academic institutions, which receive Jordanian students in various disciplines and academic levels, praising the size of the achievements made by the Egyptian higher education system in recent years.
    He also expressed his thanks to Egypt for its efforts in dealing with Jordanian students and facilitating their mission, praising the capabilities of Egyptian universities, which occupy a prestigious position, which contributed to the Jordanian students` desire to study in Egypt, stressing the distinction of Egyptian-Jordanian relations throughout history at various levels, especially in the field of education and cultural exchange. He pointed out Jordan`s keenness to push and strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two sides to more advanced levels.

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