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Minister of Higher Education discusses with USAID delegation the Distinguished Teacher initiative 

sara sherif  (464)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, confirmed the Ministry`s keenness to enhance more aspects of cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), especially in the project to develop colleges of education, and train graduates of those colleges on the latest teaching methods in line with the successive developments in education methods in the world. During the minister`s meeting with the delegation of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and representatives of American universities.
    In this context, the two sides discussed the Distinguished Teacher Initiative, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by the Education Development Center (EDC). It aims to enhance the capabilities of students of faculties of education in Egyptian public universities; To prepare and develop current and future teachers in the primary stages, and provide them with distinguished skills.
    The initiative targets 15 colleges of education in Egyptian public universities, in cooperation with a number of leading American universities, namely (Florida State University- Arizona State University- American University of Beirut); To design and implement teacher preparation and qualification programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate diploma levels, as well as developing new study programs in the faculties of education in Egyptian universities.

    The minister praised this initiative, which will contribute to the development of the academic and practical aspects of current and future teachers, and provide them with distinguished skills to support the quality of education in Egypt, which contributes to raising the efficiency of Egyptian educational institutions, indicating that the (distinguished teacher initiative) will be discussed during the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities.
    The meeting also discussed the steps to implement the initiative, which will be activated upon completion of meetings and workshops with officials of the faculties of education. To choose the Egyptian universities that are partners in this initiative, which extends for five years, in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.

    Representatives of American universities affirmed their support for the project to develop faculties of education and cooperation with Egyptian universities in this project, to provide the graduates of these faculties with the necessary skills and knowledge, and to improve the quality of education in Egypt. .

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