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The deadly drug... Know the harms of an antibiotic 

sara sherif  (972)

    Written by :Nada Ashraf Abo Zeid

    Antibiotics are medicines used to treat and protect from bacterial infections. Their appearance has led to protection of many people and reducing the number of deaths, but sometimes they have many negative effects,There are many types of them, so the doctor prescribes the most appropriate antibiotic based on the nature of the microbe. It is also taken as an antimicrobial and not as an antiviral.
    Dr. Salwa Farouk, Pediatric Consultant, said that antibiotics sometimes turn from a drug to a disease when they are used inappropriately, or frequently used, or when reducing the duration of taking them than that the doctor specified, then the microbe mutates and has the ability to resist the antibiotic, as the microbe takes its immunity against the drug, and thus the antibiotic then becomes ineffective and the treating doctor is forced to increase the dose, which affects immunity.
    The United Nations has described antimicrobial resistance as one of the biggest threats we face as a global community, and is expected to cause ten million deaths annually by 2050,The World Antibiotic Awareness Week is launched, encouraging best practices among the general public, health workers and policymakers to reduce the emergence and spread of further cases of antibiotic resistance, Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria, viruses and parasites acquire resistance to the effect of drugs, making it difficult to treat these diseases because they have already acquired immunity against drugs.

    Professor of Orthopedic Surgery S.M. pointed out that antibiotics may be fatal in the case of taking an antibiotic that contains a substance that the body is sensitive to, as it causes the larynx to swell and thus closes the airway, which causes death, such as penicillin, and therefore a sensitive test must be held before taking any antibiotic. He added that there are some types that are forbidden, which are old types that may cause kidney failure and dyes in the teeth and bones.
    The Immunology Consultant A.A. explained that there are natural alternatives to antibiotics such as honey, as it contains natural antibiotics and is used in spare wounds and also there are some things that improve immunity such as onions, garlic and black seed.
    He stressed that before taking any antibiotic, a culture must be done and an allergy test in the blood, urine or pus of the wound, where the microbe is extracted from it, and the doctor determines the type of antibiotic suitable for these bacteria,There are many types of antibiotics, but they all work in the same way, which is to kill bacteria by penetrating the drug into the bacterial cell wall or inside the cell compounds themselves, and also preventing bacteria from growing and multiplying.
    The immunology consultant stated that the function of antibiotics is to be taken with bacterial infections and cases of bacterial infections such as bacterial meningitis, patients with operations, cysts and others,The doses of the antibiotic are determined by the weight of the patient.The traditional duration of antibiotic use extends from seven to fourteen days and this period may increase or decrease depending on several factors that the doctor relies on before dispensing antibiotics, which are the cause of infection and inflammation.

    One of the most common mistakes in the use of antibiotics is the random use and taking these medicines without consulting a doctor or when taking them do not complete the period specified for taking these medicines by the doctor, which leads to the spread of bacteria and become immune to these drugs.
    In order not to worsen the results and enter into a cycle of bacterial fragmentation according to the World Health Organization, individuals can limit the spread of antibiotic resistance by:
    Do not use antibiotics except with a prescription from a certified health professional, Always follow the advice of their health workers when using antibiotics ,Never share or use residual antibiotics, To prevent infection by washing hands regularly, preparing healthy food, avoiding close contact with patients, having safe sex, and keeping up to date with their vaccines.

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