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Afrocentric trying to steal Egyptian civilisation 


    By: Sohila Nasser
    Conspiracies against Egypt have been going on for thousands of years, but in recent years they have taken different forms, and the wars of the fourth and fifth generations have become the modern means of trying to destroy the Egyptian state, until the war is now through electronic platforms through the “keyboard” to steal the identity and civilization of the Egyptians that go back thousands of years. And began to question and spread false ideas among young people and adolescents to control the minds of new generations through social networking sites.

    The topic began when an American tour company based in New York was going to hold a global conference in Egypt, specifically in Aswan, called “Returning To The Source”, and the participants in it were members who claim that our Egyptian antiquities are not Egyptian and that the ancient Egyptians were Africans and that we as Egyptians occupied the land and they set conditions A pure Egyptian can either be a black Egyptian or a Coptic Christian to sow discord, and this is exactly what happened between India and Pakistan, when they were one country, until the sedition created by Britain separated them, which is the same as what happened in Sudan when the north separated from the south.

    At that time, the hashtag “stopping the Aswan conference” spread on social media, and it occupied the trend on Twitter, and by searching for the reason for the hashtag, it was found that the participants are calling for stopping a direct conference that will be held in Aswan Governorate on the 25th and 26th of last February, under the title “Returning To the Source”, and they pointed out that the affiliation of the lecturers at the conference is due to the fanatical “Afrocentric movement” of the black race, which claims that the Egyptian civilization is of “negro” origin, and the pioneers demanded to stop the conference announced by the foreign organizing company.

    Afrocentric is a global ideology and organization centered especially in the United States of America among Afro-Americans, and it has now spread widely among sub-Saharan African communities in Europe and even among sub-Saharan Africans and minorities in North Africa and the Middle East. One of the most famous theorists and Senegalese Anta Diob

    The Afrocentric movement began to emerge since the 1920s and 1930s, and its spread became widespread in the 1970s and 1980s. It is a global racist movement centered around the racial intolerance of the Negro race, especially for its black colour. In South Africa) and promoting the claim that the ancient Egyptian, Moroccan and Carthaginian civilizations are Negro civilizations.


    Afrocentric was one of its companions, Malcolm X, a black Enrique in the sixties. He says in a recorded meeting of blacks: “When you look at an ancient Egyptian pharaonic statue, you have to link the black man with the ancient Egyptian, so make sure that you are looking at yourself and that the white man wants to steal this history for him.” Afrocentric believes that the Egyptian pharaoh was originally from Sudan, and that the current Egyptian has no relationship with the ancient Egyptian, and that the ancient Egyptian died or left the south, and that all those in northern Egypt are many nationalities far from the Egyptian race.

    They even claimed that one of the queens of Egypt, Tiye, the wife of Amenhotep III in the 18th Dynasty, was an ancient Egyptian with African features and a black color, confirming that the ancient Egyptian was black African, and they say that Tiye`s father was of foreign origin due to the mummy`s features, and his name was written in more than one way as evidence that he It is not an Egyptian name, and as Afrocentric thinkers claim, current Egyptologists paint tombs white to falsify history, and break the noses of statues to hide the features of the African nose.

    In fact, the ancient Egyptians had a habit of breaking the noses of statues because they believed that statues breathe and even life obscures them, breaking the nose, and it was a religious movement in Pharaonic Egypt, and when Gamal Abdel Nasser came and called for Arab unity, Egypt became the Arab Republic of Egypt as a desire for an Arab national unity based on religion and language On the other hand, there was a thought that believed that the word Arabic meant race and not language, which confirmed their claims that the current Egyptians are Arabs and have nothing to do with the ancient Egyptian. And it did not end at that time, but the Negroes returned at the present time, igniting social networking sites with the myth of their Egyptian origins

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