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TikTok will take over the world 


    By: Nariman Amr
    In our social media trends for 2022, we predicted TikTok would become the most important social network for marketing and we weren’t wrong. But this year, we’re taking our prediction one giant step further A host of new feature releases in 2022 suggest that TikTok doesn’t just want to be the number one social network for marketers. It wants to be the number one social network, period.
    TikTok, long known for innovation (its fresh video format was the inspiration for Meta’s Reels and YouTube Shorts, after all), has released at least 7 features this year directly inspired by other social media channels:
    • September 2022: TikTok Now (BeReal clone)
    • October 2022: Photo Mode (Carousels clone)
    • July 2022: TikTok Stories (IG Stories clone)
    • March 2022: Search Ads (Google Search ads clone; beta testing)
    • October 2022: TikTok Music (Spotify competitor; teased only)
    • February 2022: 10-minute videos (YouTube competitor)
    These new features, along with a partnership with Linktree, Shopify and Woocommerce, and speculation about a podcast app, suggest that TikTok is on a quest to become a “super app.”
    A super app is an all-in-one app that includes social media, messaging, services, payments, and basically anything else you would normally do on the internet. TikTok is making moves into the non-digital world as well. Rumors are swirling that the Chinese-owned company is building fulfillment centers in Seattle and Los Angeles in an attempt to take on Amazon in the ecommerce business. but will all these big bets be successful? All signs point to yes, mostly. While TikTok continues to grow its user base (1.023 billion active users and counting as of Q3 2022), it’s also consistently the #1 app in terms of time spent and overall positive sentiment.
    • Users spend 95 minutes per day on TikTok (#1)
    • Users spend 23.6 hours per month on TikTok (#1)

    78.6% of internet users use TikTok to look for funny or entertaining content (#1)
    Also, according to Google Trends, interest in TikTok Ads (which is a good indicator of business interest in the platform) has increased by 1,125% since 2020.
    All this interest is for good reason. TikTok ads revenue is growing so fast its set to match YouTube’s ad revenue by 2024. Though Google and Meta are still the biggest companies by far in the digital ad space, that’s no joke for an internationally-owned social media company
    Also what helped tiktok to develop in a very fast pace is it that it helped ordinary people to become famous the videos shared on TikTok are not only from celebrities, but more from ordinary people. TikTok provided chance for lots of ordinary people to become influencers. With over 50% users below age 35, it gives young people a platform to make themselves celebrities and earn money and it is also a
    New marketing tools for shoppers for small shoppers who cannot make TV advertisement or get celebrity endorsement which needs lots of money, TikTok became a new way of making marketing campaign. Lots of small shoppers on Alibaba in China spend money on TikTok to promote their products.


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