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Minister of Higher Education participates in an expanded ministerial meeting on launching Gifted Education Fund in (ICESCO) in Morocco 

sara sherif  (318)

    Dr Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Chairman of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO, and President of the General Conference of ISESCO in its 14th session, participated yesterday evening, Tuesday, in the activities of the ministerial round table to launch the Education Fund for the Gifted in the Islamic World, in the presence of Dr. Salem bin Mohammed Al-Malik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), with the participation of ministers of education and higher education in the member states of the organization, at the headquarters of ICESCO in the Moroccan capital, Rabat.
    Dr. Ayman Ashour stressed that the aim of this round table is to agree on a mechanism for launching, managing and advertising the Gifted Education Fund, in implementation of the initiative of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, during the work of the General Conference, the 14th session of ICESCO in Cairo in December 2021, to establish a fund Educating the gifted in Islamic countries, as well as exchanging Islamic experiences in the field of supporting the gifted in pre-university education, technical education and higher education.
    The minister indicated that President El-Sisi`s initiative also includes providing 100 scholarships for students from countries of the Islamic world. To study in Egyptian universities affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour pointed out that this table also aims to study the role of education and the gifted in supporting priority issues, especially climate issues, and to develop appropriate proposals for them, as well as to develop future perceptions for some paths of education and higher education and its directions, stressing the need to work together to support the upbringing of generations. Islamic, conscious, enlightened, loyal to its homelands, aware of the national and humanitarian message of the Arab and Islamic nation, and capable of developing the Islamic society.
    The Minister of Higher Education stated that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, directed the necessity of caring for the gifted, setting mechanisms to discover them and building a generation of distinguished young cadres, and this comes within the framework of Egypt’s interest in developing knowledge and innovation, caring for the talented in the Egyptian, Arab and Islamic society, and developing appropriate methodologies for building a knowledge society. And the development of the energies and capabilities of society in general and youth in particular to move towards the skills and concepts of knowledge and innovation.
    Dr. Ayman Ashour called for the establishment of centers for gifted and gifted talents in Egyptian universities, explaining that these centers specialize in cooperation with the departments of faculties and institutes in universities, to discover and nurture talents, creators, and geniuses in the artistic, literary, scientific, technological, and sports fields, and to disseminate specific programs to meet their needs and develop their capabilities, as well as to strengthen their national affiliation. And the development of society`s awareness of the importance of talent, brilliance and creativity.

    The minister stressed the importance of working on setting standards, a clear vision, strategies and legislation to discover these young people and refine their skills and experiences, allocate study programs that help develop their talents, and help them learn about previous experiences in various countries of the world, to benefit from them in developing the skills of this group of young people in the Islamic world.
    In conclusion of his speech, Dr. Ayman Ashour for Egypt`s commitment and support in order to achieve the aspired goals of the Islamic nation, calling for working together to achieve the ultimate goal of spreading peace and the values of tolerance, which will lead to achieving the rest of the goals that the Arab and Islamic peoples aspire to achieve, wishing to reach effective mechanisms to launch and manage the Gifted Education Fund in the form Which achieves the optimal investment of these Arab and Islamic talents and geniuses.

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