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ICESCO welcomes President El-Sisi’s initiative to establish a Fund for Education for the Gifted in Islamic World 

sara sherif  (292)

    Yesterday, Friday, the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) concluded its work at the organization’s headquarters in Rabat, by approving the final documents of the 43rd session and the reports submitted by the Organization’s General Administration, and by responding to the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host the 44th session of the Council during December 2023.
    At the end of its meeting, the Council issued many decisions, the most prominent of which was welcoming the official accession of the Lebanese Republic to ICESCO, and inviting it to appoint the competent authorities in charge of cooperation with ICESCO, with participation of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Egypt, Chairman of ICESCO General Conference
    The Council also welcomed the proposal of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to establish a fund for the education of the gifted in the Islamic world, and called for the necessity of coordination and cooperation with Egypt to crystallize the fund’s legal system, plans and mechanisms of action, in consultation with Sudan, Morocco and the Republic of Benin, to present the vision to the Executive Council in its next session.
    The Council also approved the general concept of ICESCO`s draft charter for artificial intelligence and virtual reality, assigning the organization to prepare it for presentation to the next meeting of the Council. The Council also appreciated ICESCO`s implementation of the first round of the Young Professionals Programme, calling on Member States to support it.

    During the closing session, Dr. Salim bin Muhammad Al-Malik, Director General of ICESCO, affirmed that the organization will always be committed to it, and will do everything in its power to meet the needs of member states, and always invest in its human capital, in order to become a model of hope and action.
    For his part, Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, thanked the members of the Council for the fruitful discussions and interventions during the sessions, praising the decisions issued by the Council before announcing the conclusion of the 43rd session.

    Dr. Ashraf Al-Azazy, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Delegations Sector, Supervisor of the Egyptian National Committee for UNESCO, and Egypt’s member of ICESCO’s Executive Council, noted that the meeting of the Council witnessed presentations by the specialized sectors, departments and centers of ICESCO on the programs and projects implemented during the current year. The sessions also witnessed discussions and interventions by members of the Council regarding Documents and plans submitted by the Organization`s General Administration. The Council`s work also included the adoption of the executive report on ICESCO`s activities for the year 2021, the organization`s financial reports for the year 2021, ICESCO`s report on Member States` contributions for the year 2021, and a set of administrative and legal documents and proposals. .

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