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Quarter Of A Million Visitors To Cairo Book Fair .. Book Sales Made A Record in First two Days  

sara sherif  (319)

    In A statement by the media office of the Ministry of Culture said that the Cairo International Book Fair witnessed, on the second day of opening its doors to the public, on Friday, January 27, 2023, the number of visitors exceeded a quarter of a million people. .

    Dr. Ahmed Bahey El-Din, head of the Egyptian General Book Authority, said that the number of visitors to the book fair reached 251,998, and it is expected that the number of visitors will increase in the coming days with the official start of the mid-year vacation in schools and universities.
    The head of the Egyptian General Book Authority confirmed that the public turnout was greatly reflected in book sales, as the authority’s book sales made a record in just two days of the fair, especially with the diversity of the books titles presented and their suitability for different categories.

    Pointing out that the boom in sales was not limited to the pavilions of the General Book Authority only, but also extended to the sales of the rest of the publishing houses participating in the Cairo Book Fair this year, which numbered 1047 Egyptian, Arab and international publishing houses from 52 countries, in addition to the pavilions of the various sectors of the Ministry concerned with publishing. .

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