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Training Workshops Held on Sidelines of 28th International Conference  

sara sherif  (333)

    Within the framework of the activities of the twenty-eighth international conference at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, under the title "Media Content Industry in the Digital Age: Mechanisms and Challenges", sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University and Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, and supervised by Prof. Dr. Wissam Nasr. Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, a number of online training workshops were held.


    A workshop for the production of digital program content was held for Mr. Mohamed Al-Hawari, and the workshop dealt with the following: identifying the stages of the program production process on digital platforms, how to develop the idea of ​​digital program content, what tools do you need to produce digital program content, and the platforms that can be used to produce content Digital, how to prepare an integrated script, and models of digital program content.

    An online training workshop was also organized in the production of digital advertising content, in which a lecture was given by Mr. Khaled Youssef, Marketing Consultant about the stages of copywriting and basic copywriting skills.


    An online training workshop was also organized on how journalists and media professionals use metaverse in the media, in which a lecture was given by Prof. Khaled Ammar about what metaverses are, why metaverses are important to journalists, what virtual media projects are, and what tools a journalist should have to connect media to metaverses.

    An online training workshop was also organized on how to produce digital news content, in which a lecture was given by Prof. Abdel Fattah Nabil on creating digital news content within newsrooms, writing rules within digital newsrooms, and modern methods of producing and displaying digital content.


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