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With Participation of Foreign Researchers … A Panel Discussion to Review Ethics of Digital Content Industry 

sara sherif  (241)

    Today, Sunday, May 7, the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a panel discussion within the activities of the fifth session, under the title "Creating Content in the Digital Age: Searching for Added Value and Building Trust with the Public", as part of the activities of the first day of the twenty-eighth international scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication. It is held under the auspices of Dr. Muhammad Othman Al-Khasht, President of Cairo University, and Dr. Hanan Junaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication and President of the Conference, and under the supervision of Dr. Wissam Nasr, Secretary General of the Conference and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sami Taye, Prof. Dr. Nermeen Azraq (interpreter) And in the presence of Dr. Alaa Fawzi, session rapporteur.

    Dr. Sami Taya stressed that the media is the main source of negative content, especially digital, by broadcasting hate speech, false news, and rumors through digital media content, stressing the need to empower the public, teach young people how to properly deal with the media, and work on training young people. He urged them to adhere to media ethics, in order to provide them with many skills.

    In turn, Candido Criss, "Cultural Adviser to the Spanish Embassy in Cairo", said that building trust in the relationship between clients and citizens is very important, adding that trust depends on a set of foundations, including transparency in procedures and decisions, and that there is a very large role for social media, especially The media content seeks to add new audiences, to build better communities, and to provide good digital content.

    The Cultural Counselor of the Spanish Embassy explained that there are many rules to face the risks imposed on us by the media, and these rules are represented in understanding the audience, listening to them, and building trust between the public and the media. Speed with quality and credibility, which requires a kind of flexibility and good understanding.



    For her part, Nuria Sanz, Director of the UNESCO Office in Cairo, expressed her happiness at the partnership between UNESCO and the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, and said that social media has become very important. "Because we can do anything with it, and communicate with anyone wherever he is," adding that young people have become somewhat aware of how to use social media in its new form, and stated that UNESCO is working in more than one country to guide citizens on how to deal correctly with the media and communication according to their culture and linking that matter to world peace.

    Dr. Caroline Wilson, a professor at the University of "Ontario" in Canada, during her participation, via the Zoom platform, referred to the results of her research paper, which was titled "Media Literacy", stressing that illiteracy is not only related to literacy, but is related to how society communicates, practices and social relations. It is about knowledge, language and culture, noting that those who cannot use reading and writing are the ones who best appreciate the idea of "literacy as freedom".

    During his speech on the Zoom platform, Alexander Vauci, head of the MIL Foundation affiliated with UNESCO and a specialist in media discourse, said that the challenges of creating content in the digital age center is the increase in false news to audiences around the world.



    In turn, Dr. Sally Tayeh, Assistant Professor, College of Media and Language, Arab Academy, said that social media has allowed access to countless sources of information, and content makers on the Internet benefit from it in particular, noting the development of automated content supervision, so the guarding process has shifted from humans to algorithms. Pointing out that what is happening now is the decline in confidence in the press and the media by the various masses.

    Taya explained that navigating digital media in the era of artificial intelligence includes factors such as personalizing content, big data, audience analytics, and other modern capabilities such as fact-checking and content modification, warning of public exposure to many risks and challenges due to artificial intelligence, for example. For example, an increase in bias, which causes some ethical problems, in addition to the lack of sufficient human oversight to limit harmful content, in addition to privacy concerns for some, and the wrong use of AI or artificial intelligence tools.

    Taye concluded by stating the importance of developing these skills, as individuals can become more critical consumers of media and information, better able to identify and evaluate sources of misinformation and fake news, and more able to make informed decisions about their online experiences.


    It is worth noting that the conference will be held on May 7-8, 2023 under the title “Media Content Industry in the Digital Age: Mechanisms and Challenges”. Under the auspices of Dr. Muhammad Othman Al-Khosht, President of Cairo University, and headed by Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty, and supervision of Prof. Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, with the participation of a large number of Egyptian, Arab and foreign researchers, professors and media experts.

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