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Mass Comm 28th Conference Organizes Research Session to Review Ethical and Legal Controls for Digital Media 

sara sherif  (227)

    Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a research session entitled "Digital Media in Light of Ethical and Legal Controls", as part of the activities of the second day of the twenty-eighth international scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication, which is held under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication and President of the Conference, under the supervision of Dr. Wissam Nasr, Secretary General of the Conference and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Laila Abdel Majeed, Dr. Osama Al-Saeed commenting, and in the presence of Dr. Eman Abdel-Tawab.

    At the beginning of the session, Prof. Dr. Laila Abdel-Meguid, Professor in the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Comm., Cairo University, and the session chair, welcomed the members of the session and the researchers, then talked about some problems related to social media, noting that legislation and controls limit the freedom of these means, despite the occurrence of many crimes within these means, so It was necessary to raise awareness and training on professional and ethical standards for the public itself and to help them express their opinion. Abdel-Majeed added that the step of imposing legislation and controls on social media came very late in the Arab world, and that with the advent of artificial intelligence it will become more difficult and problems related to it will increase, such as human rights, fake news, etc.


    The studies were opened by Dr. Zainab Mohamed Hamed, lecturer at the Department of Radio and Television. Her study was titled “Experts’ Perception of the Risks of Media Content for the Application of TikTok to Arab Youth, A Critical Study in Egypt and Saudi Arabia,” explaining that TikTok has become a first choice for the whole world, especially after Corona, and that the study is concerned with the dangers of this application on Arab youth, such as isolation, depression, delinquency, bullying, and other negative values that it can spread in society. The study concluded with some recommendations, such as paying attention to researching media topics before publishing them and the existence of censorship and controls imposed on such applications, in addition to the presence of self-censorship on the part of the family, the school and other civil society institutions, and the need to use the application as a platform to obtain information.


    Dr. Aya Salah Abdel-Fattah, lecturer of journalism at the Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, and Dr. Marwa Ghanem El-Deeb, a Ph.D. researcher in Mass Communication at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, continued their study entitled: “The Attitudes of the Media Elite towards Media Disinformation on Social Media and its Relationship to Metaverse Applications,” emphasizing on The elite use Facebook more than the rest of the sites in obtaining information. The researcher made several recommendations, including carrying out awareness campaigns about media misinformation, using artificial intelligence techniques to detect false news, and detecting fake news software and warning signs of misleading content.

    Then, Dr. Duaa Muhammad Abd al-Maaboud Shaheen, lecturer at the Department of Educational Media in Mansoura Arts, presented her research entitled “Evaluation of Educational Arts Students for the Performance of Citizen Journalists from an Ethical Perspective According to Their Academic Studies,” by saying that academic institutions seek to teach their students journalism ethics and professional practice, and presented some special results Studying, for example, that the citizen journalist represents a great addition to the Egyptian press, and the "media ethics" course tops the courses taught in media faculties. I moved on to a set of recommendations, including shedding light on modern media and journalistic means, and providing the journalist with the capabilities and tools that help him to play his role in the best possible way.

    Followed by a presentation by Dr. Reda Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Bayoumi, Ph.D. researcher in Criminal Law from Mansoura Law School, and a member of the Egyptian Society for Political Economy and Anatomy, entitled: “Legal Controls for Digital Media Freedom: A Comparative Analytical Study in Light of the Latest Judiciary Rulings in Egypt and France.”

    The doctor stated that freedom should not conflict with society`s goals and principles, commenting, "The law has given powers to block websites in the event of committing a crime that threatens the national security of the country." The results of the study revolved around, that media freedom is the basic pillars on which democratic countries are based, and despite giving digital media freedom of beliefs, opinions and expression, even digital media freedom must be accompanied by responsibility, but there is no freedom without responsibility, as this freedom depends on not offending or harming To others, taking into account not to publish materials that contradict the constitution and the law.



    Moving on to Dr. Latifa Ahmed Al-Murshed’s working paper, Ph.D. researcher from the State of Bahrain, which was entitled: “Digital Media and Efforts to Combat Cyberterrorism: Role and Obstacles”, she explained that the idea of the study came from the growing role of media influences on all aspects of life, and the emergence of what is known as cybercrime. And electronic terrorism, this study hopes to increase public awareness of this phenomenon, and clarified some important concepts such as the concept of cyber terrorism.

    Dr. Osama Al-Saeed, Editor-in-Chief, commented on the session stating that artificial intelligence technologies such as "robots" are difficult to develop and implement legislation on as imposing legislation on digital reality is difficult because the Western world has failed to implement it.

    Al-Saeed said that newsrooms do not mainly use modern technologies such as "metaverse", but rather they still use manual editing in most sites, in addition to the difficulty of establishing a media code of honor for citizen journalists, and the difficulty of adherence to it by individuals working in the field of journalism. He added that the process of The "blocking" of harmful content is not a punishment, but rather it can be circumvented by many young people. This will also generate many problems related to freedom of access to information and freedom of expression and opinion.


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