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Mass Comm. Conference Organizes Research Session to review Mechanisms of Manufacturing and Marketing Digital Content 

sara sherif  (232)

    Metaverse and digital content is a topic of discussion at the 28th International Scientific Conference

    Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, organized a research session entitled "Mechanisms of Manufacturing and Marketing Digital Media Content", as part of the activities of the second day of the twenty-eighth international scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication, which is held under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of the University, and Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean and president of the conference, supervised by Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Secretary General of the conference. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sami Abdulaziz, Professor in the Department of Public Relations, Prof. Dr. Kariman Farid, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Relations as a commentator, and Dr. Maha Bahnisi, lecturer in the Department of Public Relations, as rapporteur of the session. .

    Dr. Noha Hussein, teacher at the Department of Public Relations at the Faculty of Mass Comm., Beni Suef University, presented at the beginning of the session her study entitled "Factors Affecting Consumer Acceptance of the Content of Brand Marketing Communications Through Metaverse Technologies", in which she indicated that consumer habits are constantly changing, and that they are now trending For digital consumption, and marketing via the Internet has become essential, adding that Metaverse, as the third version of the Internet, companies are working to invest in it in their work, but in Egypt the matter is not clear so far compared to the rest of the world and the Arab world.



    Lamia Ahmed, Teaching Assistant at the Department of Public Relations at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, participated in a research entitled "The Impact of Companies` Use of Social Media Content Marketing Activities on the Relative Weight of the Brand", in which she emphasized that the most influential form of content is the one that includes text only and that satisfaction with Digital content is one of the most influencing factors in the relative weight of the brand, and the use of Facebook, YouTube and Tik Tok helps to increase awareness of the brand, while Instagram helps to form a positive attitude towards the brand and increase consumer awareness of the brand.

    The researcher, Shaima Muhammad, presented a research entitled "Digital Content Marketing Strategies and their Relationship to Brand Loyalty". Used via Facebook to provide information about the brand, and to reveal digital content marketing strategies used to strengthen brand loyalty.

    Rana Magdy, Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Media, Public Relations and Advertising Division, Alexandria University, presented a research titled “The Impact of Companies’ Use of Digital Content Marketing Strategy on Customers’ Engagement and Reverse Loyalty to the Competing Brand.” Her results concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between marketing content dimensions and loyalty. of the brand, and another relationship between credibility, quality, and emotion, and reverse loyalty, as well as a statistically significant correlation between the application of ethical and social responsibility practices for marketing content and enhancing emotional, behavioral, and reverse customer loyalty to the brand.



    Dr. Sami Abdelaziz explained that there are observations regarding the research, which are determined by the fact that the research was not supposed to provide recommendations for the company instead of the issue in general. He also stressed that previous studies help researchers in choosing the research issue, and that a comparison should be made between what these studies have reached and what they have reached. The researcher in his study also recommended replacing the term "comment on previous studies" with the extracts of previous studies.

    The most important recommendations of the session were the need to conduct comparative studies between social media platforms to identify the most appropriate platforms for promoting different products, and to propose a conceptual model that shows consumers’ acceptance of the content of marketing communications via metaverse by putting influencing factors on that.


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