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Cairo University Wins 17 Awards in “11th Creativity Festival” for Students  

sara sherif  (267)

    The Great Hall of Celebrations at Cairo University witnessed the closing ceremony of the "Ebdaa 11" festival, in which Cairo University won 17 awards - in the literary, scientific and artistic fields for students of universities, higher institutes and governmental and private academies.

    The activities of the "Ebdaa 11" festival concluded with the announcement of the awards, as Cairo University won 17 awards in various fields, namely: short story, novel, and plastic arts - specialist "Ashghal", plastic arts - non-specialist "Ashghal", short story, and reporter - specialist , Theatrical Performances - Non-specialized, Folk Art Solo, Folk Art Collective, Entrepreneurship and Startups, Submarines and Robots, Group Singing, Group Singing, Best Composition, Best Costume.

    In his speech, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, said that Egypt is honoured by its youth, artists, athletes, scientists, intellectuals, and creative university students, stressing that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is the youth house that receives them in various activities to show their creativity.

    During his speech, Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, welcomed the attendees under the dome of the university, stressing the importance of the existing cooperation between the university and the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the file of university creativity and sporting, artistic and cultural competitions, saying that Creativity Festival is of great importance in discovering the talents of university students in various fields. .


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