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Prof. Hanan Junaid welcomes students and faculty members in a new academic year 

heba karim-eldin  (281)

    Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who has bestowed upon us the blessing of knowledge and made it a way to guide and raise the status of man in his life and society.
    With the beginning of the new academic year, I am pleased to welcome my sons and daughters, male and female students, fellow faculty members, technical and administrative members of the various departments of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, praying to God Almighty to make it a successful academic year full of enthusiasm and determination to excel and succeed.
    At the outset, I would like to thank you for your efforts as a team and for what you have done to make the last academic year a success and to work towards achieving the strategic goals of the faculty.
    Proceeding from the sincerity of intent to do good work in seeking useful knowledge and performing the educational mission, and from our shared responsibility in advancing the educational process and actively contributing to social responsibility in accordance with the strategic plan of the university and faculty, we welcome the students of the faculty of mass communication to the seas of science in their new academic year to provide them with all support Encouraging innovation and creativity, as they are the most important axis in the educational process and one of its most important investments and urge them to scientific research.
    The offered academic programs and methods of teaching them and the promotion of self-education and scientific research methods to have a mark in preparing distinguished academic and practical cadres of media professionals from various sections (journalism - radio and television - public relations and advertising) to compete in the labor market to push the wheel of development in society towards progress and prosperity and prepare it to face challenges in the future according to quality standards.

    My dear students,
    The success and distinction of the student is a joint responsibility between the students and the faculty, and its weight rests on the student’s self-effort to advance scientifically and achieve his ambition that touches the sky.
    Therefore, I recommend you to strive and persevere to make an effort to achieve outstanding educational achievement and excellence.
    And you will find all the help and support from me and all the faculty members, as our doors are always open to take your hand towards the path of success.
    With sincere wishes that this academic year be successful, full of giving and crowned with success, full of achievements and excellence.
    May God bless you all and light your path and direct your steps.
    Dean of the faculty
    Prof. Dr. Hanan Junaid


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