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Egyptians Abroad: "Life Is Not Rosy... And We Must Prepare Ourselves Psychologically" 

sara sherif  (346)

     By: Ahmed Hassan and Christine Awny 


    “You will never get a perfect thing; you will get incomplete things that will be completed with your satisfaction with them.” If we contemplate the sentence of the late writer Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, we will be sure that everything in life needs our satisfaction, but what if we are talking about the homeland, there is no doubt that we are surrounded by many One of the negatives that we do not like for our Arab country, but is the West devoid of them? Do Egyptians abroad find what they lack in their homeland? This is what we will get to know.

    In this regard, Mira Hani, an Egyptian resident in Florida, USA, said that the reason for her travel is because life there is more orderly.

    And she was able to achieve what she wanted from an academic point of view compared to those of her age in Egypt, explaining the difference is that students in Egypt may be forced into colleges or majors that they do not want, and this is in contrast to the reality there, where the student is allowed to freely choose his specialization.

    And she continued, "There is no perfect life. Life here is very tiring. The concept that life in America and the West in general is perfect is just a lie and an illusion that people are trying to believe."

    And she continued, the image Egyptians paint of America in their imaginations is far from reality, as students from the age of 14 are obligated to work after school to save on living costs.

    Mira returned to confirm that the idea of ​​an ideal life is just a "false idea" that only exists in stories and novels, and that she tried to correct these concepts among many Egyptians, but they do not believe her, but rather believe that she says that "to conquer the eye", or because it is difficult to believe that life in America is difficult. Everyone who has ever lived abroad did not mention this fact, but rather spread the famous saying that life in the West is easier in which you can achieve what you want and achieve all your dreams.





     Reality of western life 

    Cheri, who is 21 years old and lives in the same state in America, agreed with her, as she indicated that life abroad is more free, as people there do not pass judgment on others easily, as happens in most Arab societies.

    And she continued that everyone complains about the high prices in Egypt, and no one knows the truth that here we also face the same issue in an exaggerated manner, which forces us to resort to installments.

    And she added, earning money is not an easy process here like what is in the imagination of young people, but it is very difficult. It is funny that I know people who work hard in Egypt and achieve higher profits than those who work here in America.

     Sherry explained that people in the West do not help you at any cost, expressing, "If you die here, no one will help you," which is one of the most prominent negatives of living in the West, unlike the Egyptian people who are famous for their kindness and their love of helping strangers before the near.


    Ask an experimenter

    Nourhan Issa, 23, supported them, as she resided most of her life in Germany, and believes that life abroad is not an ideal life, and that there is a tax to live, especially in a European country.

    On the other hand, I agreed with the thinking of the current Egyptian youth that the individual`s income abroad is higher, and therefore he has a greater chance of saving, and that life is more secure, but that depends on the state as well. But despite all that, the individual there lives in loneliness and is sometimes exposed to some manifestations of racism, which most young people do not know and they need someone to send them these messages.


    Life Rosary 

    For his part, Adham Badawy, an Egyptian living abroad, said that life in the West is not the ideal life, but it is the normal life that everyone should have. It enables him to own his own home and car.

    Adham states that living in a European country is a guarantee of your safety and security, while the crime rate is remarkably widespread in some countries there, with life difficult at first, especially if you are alone, as settling abroad is difficult at first.

    One of the common mistakes that Egyptians make in their ideas about the West from the point of view of "Badawi" is that the financial return that you will get will suffice your needs, life expenses, luxury and savings all at the same time, and this is an incorrect concept because life there is not measured in this way and it must be Prepare psychologically to stay abroad so as not to be subjected to some stress.


    Visit Wa3y Blog: https://wa3y2023.blogspot.com/ 

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