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Between Reality And Imagination ..The West Is The Land Of Dreams For Egyptians 

sara sherif  (263)

     Patriotism is a beautiful thing, but why should love stop at borders? A saying said by Spanish musician         Pablo Casals, which expresses that patriotism transcends borders, so wherever we are, nostalgia for our homeland penetrates our hearts, but does this love prevent young people from aspiring to work abroad? The truth is no. How many Egyptians have traveled and left their country in order to achieve their ambitions? The numbers are large, especially during or after the undergraduate level.

    At this stage, young people aspire to reach the ideal, which is often in their minds somewhere other than Egypt, and of course no one looks at the negatives or difficulties in life away from home, they only focus on the positive points that will make them live a better life, and some of them are true Others, however, are wrong, but remain mysterious to him until he reaches the lands of the new home.

     The reasons for emigration vary, as some wish for freedom, while others desire job opportunities. In this regard, Mina Zakaria, a student at the Faculty of Dentistry, said that he would like to travel to Germany, for several factors, the most important of which are; The availability of sufficient attention and appreciation for doctors, which is commensurate with his specialization, in addition to their obtaining a better salary, appropriate care, and life insurance. The opportunities are greater, and work there depends on skill, not “nepotism.”



    Ammar Mohamed, a student at the Faculty of Mass Communication, agreed with him regarding the negative impact of the media’s presence on the labor market. He plans to travel to Sweden due to its interest and development in the field of media. He said, “The opportunity in Egypt will come very late, after you have missed out on many things.” Because there are many advantages to immigration, there is a tax paid by everyone who makes this decision, and the individual at that time must dispense with many important things in his life, including the idea of ​​marriage; This is either for reasons related to violating our customs, traditions, and the teachings of Sharia, or for other reasons related to our different nature from the West.

    Ammar commented, "Any life outside Egypt would be an ideal life, but Egyptian youth have a misconception about this life. They believe that the basics of life, such as housing, a car, and marriage, are the ideal life, while this is considered normal in most countries of the world."

    For his part, Ahmed Atef, a graduate of the Faculty of Commerce, commented on the Egyptian labor market, saying, "I would like to travel to Spain, because the effort made here is absolutely not commensurate with the financial return," explaining that what prevents him from traveling is his attachment to his family, and it is difficult to dispense with routine. The whole life, but continuing in a bad situation is the biggest loss, stressing that travel is not compulsory, but something that is necessary now.



    Economic conditions between Egypt and the West

    It turned out that many medical college students are thinking of emigrating, as Maureen Ayman, a student at the College of Physiotherapy, said, "Medicine outside is respected more than here. It is not just a service or a slander. I want to travel to Canada or America," and she explained that the reasons that push her abroad are mainly High wages abroad, even after the economic conditions the world is currently going through, in addition to her desire to obtain a greater space of freedom for her as a woman, which she does not enjoy in sufficient measure in Egypt, in addition to being affected by personal experiences that followed the same path and now reached great successes in their lives.

    Fresh graduate crisis

    Muhammad Osama, a student at the Faculty of Mass Communication, spoke of his desire to travel to America. This is due to the fact that he lived there for more than 10 years in his childhood, and therefore it is like his second country, and that was not the only reason, but rather explained that young graduates in Egypt do not receive remunerative salaries, especially in the field of journalism, and the opportunity for creativity while working in Egypt is almost limited. In contrast to Europe, he also believes that freedoms such as freedom of opinion in Egypt are greatly restricted, which in turn affects all aspects of life.

    He added, "I think that the Egyptians focus on the negatives in society and neglect the positives, and at the same time they care about the positives outside and neglect the negatives, in addition to the image conveyed to us by TV dramas abroad that delude people that this is the typical form of an ideal life."



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