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Ashour and Al-Khosht witness flag salute, playing of the national anthem in front of the dome of Cairo University at the start of the new academic year 

heba karim-eldin  (278)

    Minister of Higher Education: Cairo University is an honorable example for government universities and a fortress for scientific research in Egypt

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, in the presence of the university’s vice presidents, deans of faculties, professors and a large group of university students witnessed the flag salute in front of the dome of Cairo University, with the start of the first day of the new academic year 2022-2023, followed by A parade of flag bearers and the playing of the national anthem to the tunes of military music.
    The salutation of the Egyptian flag is a symbol of loyalty, belonging and patriotism, and it is a patriotic duty to renew the covenant and promise, and to consolidate the value of belonging to the homeland, and working for the homeland.
    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, said that Cairo University is an honorable example for distinguished government universities and the system of higher education and scientific research in Egypt. Students in parallel with the start of the study, and the progress of the existing construction at Cairo International University regularly in full swing.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour affirmed his keenness to be present among the students to ensure the full progress of the educational process and student activities, explaining the interest of the country and the Ministry of Higher Education in obtaining a distinguished educational quality commensurate with the concept of the graduate that keeps pace with the international labor market.
    Dr. Mohamed Elkhosht said that Cairo University has completed great preparations at the level of university cities, hospitals, laboratories, auditoriums and all campus facilities, explaining that this academic year includes developing the educational process, and combining the attendance system and online, noting that the university keeps pace with the European educational environment and the use of platforms The advanced educational system, where the Blackboard platform was successfully used, in addition to the development of about 1322 study regulations, and the use of the university’s employees, whether students or faculty members, of the tablet system as part of the educational and administrative process, confirming the regularity of the study at the university since the first day.

    It is worth noting that the faculties of Cairo University received this morning the old and new students after completing all the arrangements and preparations for the start of the new academic year 2022-2023, which included maintenance work for buildings and facilities, the electricity system, sewage and fire, equipping the auditoriums, lecture halls, laboratories, libraries and medical clinics in the faculties, and following up on hygiene on-campus patrols, setting up directional boards, distributing lectures, announcing schedules for all academic teams, distributing students to departments and study divisions, and providing all the quality elements required by the educational process from teaching aids to start and regular studies from the first day, as well as insurance and protection work for the campus Organizing the process of entry of individuals and cars to the university campus and the camera system.

    Dr. Al-Khosht: Cairo University has completed all its preparations at the level of university cities, hospitals, laboratories, auditoriums, and campus facilities

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