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Ahmed Al-Husseini, winner of third place nationwide in the TV correspondent competition: I aspire to establish a media services company 

sara sherif  (183)

    Written by: Al- Zahra Rashad


    The Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University produces many innovators in various fields of media. It is the ancient academic edifice and the mother college for media studies in Egypt and the Arab world. The current students of the Faculty of General Mass Communication have succeeded in achieving several titles in various competitions at the level of Cairo University and at the level of Egyptian universities. “The Voice of the University” shed light on a distinguished student from the Faculty of Information who succeeded in achieving third place in the nationwide television correspondent competition in the Creativity Competition.

    At the beginning, he said about introducing himself, “I am Ahmed Al-Husseini Abu Gazia, 21 years old, a fourth-year student in the Department of Radio and Television at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.”

    He explained the role of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University in learning all the skills, by developing his abilities in photography and editing. He also obtained many training courses in filmmaking, reporting, and photography from specialized places.



    Regarding the way he submitted his entry into the Ibdaa Competition, he said, “I learned about the Ibdaa Competition by following its various seasons. I began to ask and learn about the methods of submission. My passion for participating in the competition motivated me to learn photography, montage, and script writing, in order to create a professional television report.”

    “I participated in this year’s creativity competition in its eleventh season in the field of specialized television correspondent, with a report on the people’s village for growing flowers and roses, and I won first place in the competition at the level of Cairo University. The competition was not easy since the reports submitted this year were from Cairo University.” As usual, it carries a lot of creativity and reflects the experiences of its owners, and this is what was proven by the final result, where Cairo University achieved two of the three places in the field of specialized television correspondent, and in the second stage of the competition, it advanced to the qualifiers among the different universities participating in the competition, and finally it obtained third place at the level of the Republic. This is how he explained the stages of his participation in the competition.

    Al-Husseini stressed that the Creativity Competition was not the only student activity in which he participated during his years of study at the university, as he was always keen to participate in all student activities organized by the university under the leadership of Professor Dr. Muhammad Othman Al-Khosht.



    Regarding the stages of preparing the report, he said, “The beginning was when the idea came to my mind to write a report on the people’s village for growing flower plants. I felt that this village must be highlighted as an example of many productive villages in Egypt. After that, I prepared the detailed treatment angles for the report, and I watched Several reports on similar villages, and I prepared a detailed plan for the cameras and angles inside the village. Then I contacted the sources who showed great welcome to the idea of the report. I went to the village the next day and photographed the report over two continuous days, then I wrote the script for the report, and then I carried out the process of Editing and mixing the report included great communication throughout all the days of preparation, filming, and editing with my teachers, who played a major role in guiding me with continuous advice and expressing their views on the report.”

    Ahmed Al-Husseini aspires to establish a company specialized in media services and be a pioneer in this field.


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