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"Podcast.. tools and techniques" First Workshop in New Academic Year at Journalism Program in English 

sara sherif  (165)

    Over the course of two days, the English Journalism Program organized a workshop on the topic of "podcast" under supervision of Prof. Dr Nermeen Al Azrak head of the English Journalism Program and Prof. Dr. Samah Al Mohamady vice head of the program. The workshop was presented by the distinguished journalist Ms. Dalia Othman, Head of the Podcast & Political Affairs at Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper

    The workshop dealt with the difference between podcast and traditional journalism, the target audience of the podcast and the tools used, and podcast platforms and examples of podcast channels.

    Ms. Dalia gave detailed Explanation about postcast production and that written journalism is the process of conveying information and delivering news through writing and publishing in newspapers, magazines and websites, but audio journalism means delivering information and news through audio only and this includes radio and podcast. 

    On the second day, the students carried out practical application and chose an idea that could be implemented as the content of a podcast episode, and learned about the steps of writing a script and the most important basic elements it contains and ways to attract the audience.

    The workshop ended with taking photos and handing over certificates of honor to the students.



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