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New International Academic Degrees at Cairo International University and Cooperation Agreements with International Universities 

sara sherif  (121)

    Cairo University, headed by Dr. Mohamed Elkhosht, agreed to create new international academic degrees at Cairo International University and a number of memorandums of understanding, cooperation agreements and protocols between the university and several prestigious bodies that included advanced international universities, international institutions and bodies. The university also introduced and developed a number of programmes, study regulations and diplomas in: The undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in order to keep pace with global developments and labor market needs, within the framework of the university’s strategy aimed at focusing on continuing to work on bridging the knowledge gap, developing curricula, and adhering to the policy of fourth generation universities.

    Dr. El-Khosht stressed the importance of constantly improving the academic programs in the university’s colleges, and creating new programs to provide students with knowledge and skills, encouraging them to learn with the latest means, creating their spirit of creativity and excellence, linking the gains of learning and scientific research to the current and future needs of society, and implementing Egypt’s Vision 2030, the university’s plan, and the Ministry of Higher Education.

    At the university level; A memorandum of understanding was approved between the university and the Chinese Ministry of Education in the areas of joint degrees, education and training programs, a memorandum of understanding between the university and the University of Airlangga in Indonesia, and a cooperation protocol between the university and the Journalists Syndicate in the areas of contracting with university hospitals and training journalists and their families.



    At the level of faculties and university institutes, Cairo University has approved a number of memorandums of understanding, the most important of which are two memorandums of understanding for the Faculty of Pharmacy, one with Temple University in the United States of America, and the other with Saarland University in Germany, and a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning and the University of L`Aquila in the fields of research, training programs and academic cooperation.

    A memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Computing and Artificial Intelligence and the Information Technology Industry Development Authority “Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship” to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship in the university community, and a cooperation protocol between the College of Engineering and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in the field of development and management of shared water resources “Diploma in Shared Water Resources,” And a cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Medicine and Nile University Hospitals, in addition to two memorandums of understanding for the National Institute of Laser Sciences in the fields of research, education and training programs, one with the European Academy of Voice Pathology in Austria, and the other with European universities in Egypt (the Universities of London and Lancashire).


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