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Faculty of Mass Communication participates in blood donation campaign for Palestine 

sara sherif  (128)

    The Youth Welfare Department at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, participated in the humanitarian solidarity campaign to donate blood to the Palestinian brothers, in solidarity with the Egyptian Hearts Association for Blood Donation, within the framework of humanitarian efforts to provide the necessary supplies for surgical operations, through the direction of the youth welfare officials at the college, accompanied by a student delegation. Those wishing to donate blood, which is organized under the supervision and organization of the Central Administration for Youth Welfare at Cairo University.

    The campaign, which was organized by Youth Welfare at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, included going this morning to the blood donation carts available throughout the Cairo University campus, during which students from different academic levels at the Faculty of Mass Communication participated.

    For his part, Mr. Mohamed Atef, Deputy Director of the Youth Welfare Department at the Faculty of Information, Cairo University, said that the students went as an expression of the humanitarian gesture launched by the Youth Welfare Department, and within the framework of their humanitarian role to express solidarity with blood aid and donating it to help the Palestinian brothers in the humanitarian ordeal they are suffering from, especially in providing medical supplies and blood donation.


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