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Minister of Higher Education Participates in African Higher Education and Scientific Research MinisterialMeeting  

sara sherif  (111)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, participated in the virtual ministerial meeting of the ministers of higher education, science and technology on the African continent, within the meeting of the fourth special session of the Specialized Technical Committee for Education, Science and Technology of the African Union, in the presence of 35 African ministers of education, science and technology, and representatives of 35 African countries, the African Union and the Organization NEPAD and other organizations, via video conference technology.

    In his speech, Dr. Ayman Ashour stressed the importance of technological and technical education, which is the engine of the future, reviewing Egypt’s experience in establishing technological universities.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour said that Egypt now has 10 technological universities that cover different regions throughout the Republic, and include new specializations and study programs that are consistent with the nature of the industrial areas in which these universities are located, and meet the needs of the labor market, stressing that the state seeks to establish more technological universities in every governorate of the Republic, Bringing the total number of universities to 27 technological universities during the coming period, pointing out that these technological universities are considered the real tool for implementing Africa’s strategy for technical education, stressing that Egypt offers to share its expertise in technical and technological education and technological universities for our African brothers under the umbrella of the African Union.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour highlighted the importance of artificial intelligence and the role it plays in the future, noting that Egypt will lead an African working group to develop a continental African strategy for artificial intelligence and the executive plan for this strategy.

    The meeting discussed the report of the expert committee, which was prepared and discussed by experts representing African countries, which stresses the importance of African countries’ cooperation in promoting education, scientific research and innovation for the advancement of the African continent. The attendees agreed that this year should be the year of education.

    The attendees praised the Egyptian proposals and they were placed within future implementation mechanisms in the ministerial report that will be presented at the upcoming African Summit.


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