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Artificial Intelligence Techniques in newsrooms in a Workshop Organized by Journalism Program  

sara sherif  (121)

    By: Sama Mohamed 

    The Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University (Television Journalism Program), organized a workshop on employing artificial intelligence techniques in newsrooms,
    mechanisms and challenges, on Sunday, October 22, 2023, at 11 am, in the conference hall, which was presented by the Egyptian engineer and inventor of robotics, Mahmoud Al-Koumi who won Geneva for inventions for the year 2021 and 2022. 

    Artificial intelligence has become a reality, not a fantasy, and no longer occupies a place only in the world of popular culture. This technology has grown significantly on the
    ground until it has become a major tool at the core of all sectors. Artificial intelligence has emerged from research laboratories and from the pages of science fiction novels, to
    become It is an integral part of our daily lives, starting from helping us navigate cities and avoiding traffic congestion, all the way to using virtual assistants to help us perform
    various tasks. Today, our use of artificial intelligence has become ingrained for the common good of society, so it was necessary to raise this important topic in our workshop today.

    The workshop covered many topics, most notably artificial intelligence, its benefits in the media field, its harms, how to deal with it correctly, and the difference between it and data journalism. Engineer Mahmoud also spoke about robots and likened them to a new-born child in terms of their similarity of the lack of intelligence, until certain information is introduced to adapt with reality.

    He also talked about the difference between (Machine learning and Deep learning) and the difference between (Chat gpt and Chat bots), in addition to presenting many programs related to artificial intelligence and how to deal with them and benefit from them, and what is new in the world of artificial intelligence.

    He also talked about Artificial intelligence technology in the field of media and how to exploit it, as it has the ability to accurately analyze the audience’s interaction with the content within record time, and this is something that used to cost media organizations a lot of money and time, and today, this technology can be used to find out what the organization’s audience prefers in terms of content, so this It helps management better distribute human resources and save effort and money. For example, it is possible to employ additional editors and journalists to prepare readers’ favorite content, and the department that constitutes a burden on the organization can be eliminated or reduced.


    photos copyright Blended News Room 

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