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Higher Education: 4 Egyptian Universities Included in list of top 50 Global Universities in Shanghai Classification of Scientific Specializations for year 2023 

sara sherif  (106)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour: The Ministry spares no effort to continue supporting universities to advance the global rankings

    The advancement of Egyptian universities in international rankings contributes to qualifying a generation of young people capable of making a breakthrough in all development fields

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, stressed that the Ministry provides all aspects of support to Egyptian universities to achieve progress at the level of all international university classifications, and to implement the principle of international reference, which is among the principles of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research that the Ministry launched in March 2023.

    The Minister pointed out the emergence of the results of the Shanghai Classification Report for Scientific Specializations for the year 2023, which included that Egyptian universities achieved new progress in this year’s results by including 4 Egyptian universities on the list of the top 50 global universities for scientific specializations, in 3 sub-fields, which are (medical engineering and textile sciences). , and agricultural sciences), and its statement is as follows:

    In the field of biomedical engineering, Cairo University ranked 30th globally.
    In the field of textile sciences and engineering, Alexandria University ranked 49th globally.
    In the field of agricultural sciences, Zagazig University ranked 33rd globally, Kafr El-Sheikh University ranked 39th globally, and Alexandria University ranked 45th globally.

    Dr. Abeer Al-Shater, Assistant Minister for Technical Affairs and Supervisor of the Knowledge Bank, stressed the importance of the role of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in providing the huge amount of scientific resources necessary for Egyptian researchers, scientists, and decision-makers in order to enhance scientific research in Egypt, and enable research institutions to become known internationally, as well as Contributing to improving the classification of universities, institutions and research centers internationally.

    For his part, Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman and media advisor to the Ministry, confirmed that the progress of Egyptian universities in the Shanghai Classification indicators for scientific specializations is due to several measures taken during the last period, the most important of which are: the technical support provided by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to Egyptian universities, as well as training in International publishing, in addition to what universities do to motivate researchers with all academic degrees to publish in prestigious international journals, and the distinguished appreciations that scientific research published internationally receives in the work of scientific promotion committees, and the availability of information sources to researchers via the Internet, and rese .

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