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“Don’t blame the pillow” 

sara sherif  (130)

    By: Zeina Khaled

    Sleep, a seemingly simple act that elude many. Countless people find themselves tossing and turning in the darkness, unable to find comfort. Insomnia can be frustrating, leaving one feeling exhausted and drained both physically and mentally.

    Sleep may elude us for a number of reasons. For example, Anxiety and stress frequently have a big impact on how well we sleep at night. Our minds are overrun with worries about relationships, our jobs, or personal issues, which keeps us from being at peace by generating a never-ending loop of ideas.

    Furthermore, technology is now a major factor in the loss of our valuable sleep. The hormone melatonin, which controls sleep patterns, is stifled when people are constantly exposed to devices that generate blue light. Our inability to fall asleep is caused by the addictive habit of late-night social media scrolling or binge-watching television.

    To make matters worse, bad lifestyle decisions may contribute to insomnia. The delicate balance required for restful sleep becomes disrupted when caffeine intake is excessive. Establishing a consistent routine is made challenging by irregular sleeping schedules, which also throw off our internal body clock.

    It`s essential to prioritize self-care and create wholesome routines that promote restful sleep in order to deal with this problem. Before going to bed, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or meditation can help quiet an overactive mind. It`s also important to create a calm, distraction-free atmosphere; dimming lights and reducing noise can improve the quality of your sleep.

    In a nutshell, a variety of factors, including stress, excessive use of technology, and unhealthy lifestyle choices, contribute to the global problem of insomnia, affecting countless numbers of people. To effectively address the problem, it is necessary to recognize these factors. We can recapture the tranquility of sleep that eludes us far too frequently by making self-care a priority and developing healthy routines that promote restful nights.


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