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Gaza is under Bombardment 

sara sherif  (161)

     By: Isel Akram

     The events began on October 7, 2023, one day after the anniversary of the victory of the 6th October  war. The Palestinian Hamas movement directed a number of missiles at Israel, and succeeded in crossing the security barriers despite the difficulty of crossing them, in addition to detaining Israeli prisoners. They even captured the commander of the Gaza Division, General Nimrod Aloni. The number of Israeli deaths and missing people was the highest since the 1973 war (700). One dead and 750 missing) and this movement was called the “Al-Aqsa Flood.” After this movement, joy and happiness resided in the hearts of the Palestinians, but not only the Palestinians, but also all the Arabs and every human being who has mercy and humanity. but after a few days, this joy turned into regret and sadness, as Israel began a violent response to Palestine on the day corresponding to October the 9th. The major Israeli bombing began in Gaza, in which the used warplanes were internationally banned “phosphorus bombs” in addition to cutting off water and electricity and preventing the sending of any humanitarian or medical aid to Gaza.

    Not only did they violate international laws of war, but they also directed their strikes and missiles at hospitals, mosques and churches. The number of martyrs has reached 8,306 and the number of wounded is 21,048 and the bombing is still continuing.


      What is the reason for the loss of the land of Palestine?

     In year 1900, the majority of the population of Palestine was Muslims, 86% of which were Muslims, 14% were Christians, and 5% were Jews. It remained like this for hundreds of years, and there was no conflict between these religions. In the year 1916, the Sykes-Picot agreement was signed, which stipulated that Palestine to be placed under a British mandate after World War I. Then, on 2nd November 1917, the British Foreign Secretary issued a statement stipulating the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine and called it the “Balfour Declaration”.  During this period, Large numbers of Jews began to immigrate to Palestine with the help of Britain, and the number of Zionist settlements in Palestine increased day after day.

    After several revolutions and cases, the United Nations issued a resolution on 29th November 1947, dividing Palestine into two states, Jewish and Palestinian, and 54% of the Palestinian lands were given to the Jews. After this decision, Britain withdrew from Palestine. On 5th June 1967, Israel launched a tripartite aggression against three Arab countries (Egypt - Jordan - Palestine). As a result of this aggression, Israel gained control over all Palestinian lands after it obtained the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, in addition to the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt and the Syrian Golan Heights. In 1973, Egypt and Syria entered a war with Israel to regain their lands. In 1967, the Egyptian army was able to cross the Suez Canal and defeat Israel. During that period, the resistance of the Palestinian people against Israel continued, and on 9th December1987, the first Palestinian Intifada began, and on 28th December 2000, the second Intifada began. Last but not least, Israel committed crimes against the Palestinians, most notably the Deir Yassin massacre, the Khan Yunis massacre, and the Jenin massacre.


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