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MCCU Training Visit to Autonoma University of Barcelona 

sara sherif  (97)

    Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, under the patronage of University President, Professor Dr. Muhammad Othman El-Khosht, and the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid organized a training trip for a group of faculty students to the Autonoma, Barcelona University. The University of Barcelona, a public university, is one of the most prestigious universities and ranks first in Spain, in addition to its advanced ranking at the level of international universities.

    During the visit, several meetings were held to discuss ways and aspects of academic cooperation between the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, and the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Autonoma University. The outcomes of the meetings included an agreement to activate the memorandum of understanding and twinning concluded between the two parties.
    The international training for students was carried out over a period of 10 days, during the period from October 28 to November 7, 2023. The training program included practical training for students on media and artistic production, montage and photography skills, and the preparation and production of media and news content. The visit period included cultural visits, and a cultural debate was held on Peace and the role of the media in addressing it. Autonoma University honored the dean of the Faculty and the Faculty members supervising the training trip.
    The students participating in the training were also awarded international certificates accredited by Autonoma University.
    Advanced training programs are expected to be organized in cooperation with Autonoma University during the coming period.


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